Genuinely Astonishing Facts You Learn In Your Twenties Do you - TopicsExpress


Genuinely Astonishing Facts You Learn In Your Twenties Do you have any to add? Put them in the comments! 1. You know how you used to be able to go full days on barely any sleep? Yeah, not anymore. 2. And you know how you hated naps as a kid? Now you’d kill for one. Anytime. Anywhere. 3. No matter how hard you try, you will break every diet you begin. Nothing feels as good as chocolate cake tastes. 4. Which is OK, because at some point you’ll have a revelatory moment when you realize: Oh, wait. I’m perfect. Just like this. 5. Everyone is crazy. Literally. Every single human is insane. If you meet someone who seems to have themselves completely together, they’re actually just doing a very good job pretending. 6. Your best friends are the people whose insanity is compatible with yours. 7. And those people – the people you love and need the most – will also be the ones you get angriest at. 8. You will spend a depressing proportion of your free time doing mind-numbing household chores. No cute punchline here. Just a sad, sad fact. 9. You can live with people you’re best friends with, or whom you don’t know at all. Anything in between is a recipe for disaster. 10. You will have to work a lot of terrible, irrelevant jobs in order to get to one you love. 11. And even then, when you’ve bagged your dream job, there will be awful bosses and long days. 12. But it’s all worth it on the best day of every month: SALARY DAY. 13. Speaking of which: You will try very hard to save money. But somehow, there will be so, so, so many weeks when all you can afford is Ramen. 14. Primarily because your money-managing logic is: “I saved $7 on lunch, so I deserve these $80 shoes.” WRONG. 15. You will never be immune to making egregious and mortifying grooming decisions. 16. You’ve always known your family was nuts, but it quickly becomes apparent that so is everyone else’s. 17. And the most significant family members arent the ones you’re born with, but the ones you find on your own. 18. Even the most perfect relationship you’re ever in will have some nasty, nasty rough patches. 19. You will constantly, forever, unendingly develop huge, devastating crushes on people you SHOULD NOT have crushes on. 20. Life happens, people move away, and you get used to never thinking about people you thought you couldnt live without.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:15:00 +0000

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