Geo-engineering - a fancy word for MURDER. Mental defect, - TopicsExpress


Geo-engineering - a fancy word for MURDER. Mental defect, mental disease of systems people. None have been able to repeat back concerns. None can LISTEN, none can EMPATHIZE, none can UNDERSTAND. NONE have acted. In Canada - a 467.11 crime. In USA - Misprision of felony. CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. SYSTEMS PEOPLE ARREST PROCEDURE - a work in progress...... 1) identify the harm/violation - where/when/what?, 2) determine who has done the harm, or who is the closest to being a suspect - all information on whereabouts, 3) who are witnesses (if any) and all info on them, 4) then.... Steps Deciding to Make the Arrest 1. Witness a crime taking place. In order to make a citizens arrest you must witness the crime as it is happening. You will have to provide probable cause, meaning you will have to show a reasonable belief that [that] person has committed a crime. [1] What is the crime being committed? Ex: You just witnessed a drug deal that happened. What actions did you witness that led you to believe the crime was committed? Eg: A police officer, or other systems person failed to act further advancing criminal activity. What evidence exists proving the crime happened? Eg: A police chief was not informed of messages intended for them, and was promised to be transferred. 2. Assess the situation. Now that you believe a crime was committed, you have to decide whether or not you want to pursue the citizens arrest. Is this a serious crime? Homicide, assault and rape, crimes against humanity, for example, are all crimes in which you may need to react in order to save a victim from a terrible fate. In other cases, such as littering, a citizens arrest is not worth your time or the polices. Would you be willing to be sued over accusing this person? In some cases, people can be sued for false arrest. Would you be willing to take the risk? If not, dont make the arrest. Is the person armed or potentially armed? This could put you or others in danger if you attempt to arrest the criminal on your own. This isnt to discourage you from trying to stop a shooter from hurting more people, but it is a consideration you should make all the same. Make the Arrest 1. Tell the potential criminal that you are putting him or her under citizens arrest. It must be clear and they must fully understand you. It should also be clear that this is directed at him or her. 2. Explain to the potential criminal why you are making a citizens arrest. It is necessary to give the criminal probable cause as mentioned above. If you cannot provide him or her with this information, then you cannot make the arrest. 3. Apprehend the suspect. Attempt to make the arrest with as little force as possible, as using excess force can result in charges against you. When you get a hold of the suspect, do not attempt to handcuff or tie them to anything. How much force is too much? There is no set rule, and laws for this vary by state and country. The amount of force you use should be a reasonable response to how the suspect is acting. For example, if he is running it is considered reasonable to pull him to the ground. It is not considered reasonable to hit him once he is on the ground. Lethal force is never appropriate unless it is in self-defense. In the case that you might have to use more force than you feel comfortable with, wait for the police to arrive. 4. Call the authorities. Do not attempt to transport a suspect on your own, this can result in false imprisonment charges. Instead call the police immediately and wait with the suspect for the cops to arrive. 5. Explain in full detail what you witnessed. You will be asked to give a statement. Make sure to include everything that you witnessed and did during the criminal act and the citizens arrest. Include and be clear about any force you had to use to arrest the suspect. It is important to have that information on the record as soon as possible. Warnings By making a citizens arrest, youre exposing yourself to possible lawsuits or criminal charges (e.g., impersonating an officer of the law, false imprisonment, kidnapping, or wrongful arrest) if the wrong person is apprehended or if you violate a suspects civil rights. This risk varies considerably from country to country. In the U.S., a citizens arrest is a legal minefield and dealing with a suspects lawyers is often more dangerous than apprehending the suspect. Some jurisdictions do not recognize citizens arrests. Unless you want your last words to be I am making a citizens arrest, do not attempt to apprehend a suspect with a weapon. Just get a good description to give to the police. Detaining a suspect against his/her will is attempted kidnapping in some places. Every jurisdiction has different laws; guidelines are not the same, and your best option is often simply to observe and report. Crime Stoppers may pay you a reward. A citizens arrest must be made during or immediately after the crime, or else it is illegal. In some states, the crime must be a felony. In some jurisdictions, only a police officer may make an arrest on a misdemeanor. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10152218248386000&set=gm.588991841181424&type=1&theater
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 14:17:01 +0000

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