George Lucas is truly the Arsene Wenger of film, the original Star - TopicsExpress


George Lucas is truly the Arsene Wenger of film, the original Star Wars trilogy was awesomtacular then the follow up prequel trilogy was just a sack of shit!! He should have used the Godfather trilogy as a template for the latter films to show a dramatic but credible descent from sanctity to villainy, Michael Corleone and Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader are quite similar in many ways therefore a dramatic actor was needed to channel the complexity required for a once good and honorable man to descend into absolute darkness and remorselessness. Hayden Christensen really bombed in that role, that guy is an average actor at best, what was needed was a Joaquin Phoenix, a Leonardo DiCaprio, a Benedict Cumberbatch or a Ryan Philippe. Somebody who could channel virtue as an overtone and sinister vibes as an undertone. Then overall the movies should have taken a darker tone and maintained Darth Maul as the main Sith Lord throughout the entire trilogy so that when Anakin finally killed him it would have been a seminal moment and huge step towards the Dark Side instead of writing in an elderly Count Dooku who only appeared in the entire saga for ten minutes whose death bore no consequence because he was old and it was bound to happen one way or another.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 13:48:31 +0000

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