George Müller has always been my favorite non-Bible spiritual - TopicsExpress


George Müller has always been my favorite non-Bible spiritual hero. He began an orphanage in Brostol England in the His real reason for opening the orphanage was not to help kids per se, but to show how God would provide. Generally, he made his needs known only to the Lord and the Lord provided. One of my favorite stories is of him praying for wool. Remember, in those days, mail traveled slowly and communication was not instant as it is today. Muller’s right-hand man in his Sunday School ministry to children was John Townsend. Townsend’s young daughter, Abigail, enjoyed visiting Muller at his home. Once while doing so she suddenly declared, “I wish Dod would answer my prayers like He does yours, George Muller.” “He will,” Muller assured her. Taking her on his knee, he quoted God’s promise: “What things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them” (Mark 11:24 KJV). After explaining the meaning of the verse, he asked, “Now, Abbie, what is it you want to ask God for?” “Some wool,” she responded. Clasping her hands to pray, Muller instructed her to repeat what he said, “Please, God, send Abbie some wool.” “Please, Dod, send Abbie some wool,” she repeated in simple faith, then jumped down to go play, assured that the wool would come. Suddenly the thought came to her that God did not know what kind of wool she wanted. So she ran back to Muller and told him she wanted to pray again. This time he responded, “Not now, dear, I am busy.” “But I forgot to tell Dod the color I want,” she persisted. Won over, Muller again lifted her onto his knee and said, “That’s right, be definite, my child. Now tell God what you want.” “Please, Dod, send it wa-re-gated,” petitioned Abigail, who possessed a large vocabulary but could not pronounce her v’s. The next day she was overjoyed to receive a package of variegated wool from her Sunday School teacher. The teacher, who was aware of Abigail’s interest in knitting, knew her birthday was coming soon, although she was uncertain of the exact date. God providentially allowed the package to arrive not on her birthday but on just the right day to assure this child that He hears and answers specific prayers... If youd like to know more about him, start here for free:
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:36:32 +0000

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