George de Mohrenschildt was a good friend of the Oswalds. Lee - TopicsExpress


George de Mohrenschildt was a good friend of the Oswalds. Lee claims General Walker is a Nazi, and buys a rifle under the alias A. Hidell which is liken to the name Adolph Hit ler, and the phrase Heil Hitler. ALLEGATIONS OF DE MOHRENSCHILDT NAZI ACTIVITY On October 8, 1942 the U.S. Department of State placed a “refusal” or “lookout” in de Mohrenschildt’s passport office file.(21) The committee was informed by the State Department that the effect of such a “lookout” would be that when the person applied for any type of passport action the file would be reviewed to determine if the person posed a security threat or had made false statements upon entering the United States.(22) The reason given for the lookout in de Mohrenschildt’s file was: “Alleged to be Nazi agent. Refer any application to Fraud Section.”(23) the file was cross-referenced to the file of Lilia P. Larin.(24) George de Mohrenschildt’s cousin, Baron Constantine Maydell, was part of the Brown network which was a pre-war spy network that went all over the world for the Nazis. He came and did pro-Hitler propaganda in the United States and made films. De Mohrenschildt became a spy himself for the Nazis in France and was caught spying later at Corpus Christi in Texas during the war and only by dint a letter he had from Rockefeller was he not charged. He was kicked out of Mexico for spying with Douglas McArthur’s nephew. He was tight with the entire spy network around the Tolstoy foundation, Anna Tolstoy, which was White Russian and an anti-Communist and CIA-funded.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 07:19:49 +0000

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