Georgia Democratic party caught in voter fraud. Again. Theyre - TopicsExpress


Georgia Democratic party caught in voter fraud. Again. Theyre response? It was bad old whitey, it was da Klu Klux Klan. Racism. Do you understand the skin game? Criminals pervert and corrupt our Democracy. A political party, votes for itself, erasing your will, and your vote. Effectively serving itself, using your money to do it, and then say the word, Racism and its all better. Time after time, election after election, the Democratic party is caught in voter fraud. In the last Presidential election, up to 35,000 fraudent Democratic party votes, found in one state alone. State after state. Thats what they caught. Do you want an accountable government? Or do you want a political party that votes for itself, and refuses to represent the people? If the latter is your choice, you should check out North Korea, China, and the Middle East. I hear they are lovely this time of year. Orrrr...... you could elect a Republican, and by sheer fact that 99.9% of the media are an extension of the Democratic party, it will gauruntee, the Republican government, will be accountable. Their balls to the fire. They will be crucified, if they do wrong. And that is a good thing. You have witnessed with your own eyes, six years of unnacountable government, horrendous scandal after horrendous fraud, and a dishonest media, covering for it all. We have a government, by the government, for the government, with obvious results. Would it not be smart, to get back to a government, by the people, for the people? Please consider.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 00:16:22 +0000

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