Georgia has 21.9% uninsured population. Georgia Governor Nathan - TopicsExpress


Georgia has 21.9% uninsured population. Georgia Governor Nathan Deal, a Republican (but also a former Democrat), said that he would refrain from making a decision about the Medicaid expansion until after the presidential election. But in August, during the Republican National Convention, Deal told the Atlanta Journal Constitution and other publications that he would be opting out of the expansion. “I think that is something our state cannot afford. And even though the federal government promises to pay 100 percent for the first three years and 90 percent thereafter, I think it is probably unrealistic to expect that promise to be fulfilled in the long term, simply because of the financial status that the federal government is in.” But as an increasing number of outspoken Republican governors have set their critiques of Obamacare aside decided to opt in, Deal has come under pressure from Georgian groups that say the expansion would generate income and jobs in Georgia without costing taxpayers.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 02:27:49 +0000

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