Georgia’s middle class has a bull’s-eye on its back. In - TopicsExpress


Georgia’s middle class has a bull’s-eye on its back. In his attempt to topple Republican Gov. Nathan Deal, Democrat challenger Jason Carter is courting the votes of teachers and the middle class – and walking in lockstep with the national Democratic machine. Early in this campaign Carter told a reporter that he absolutely “is not” a national Democrat. And he has, at times, publicly distanced himself from his liberal grandfather, Jimmy Carter, as well as from President Barack Obama. But make no mistake about it: the fingerprints of both former President Carter — and the Democrats’ national political machine — are all over Jason Carter’s campaign. The former president not only helped fuel his grandson’s campaign by hosting fund-raisers in New York, Washington D.C., California and Georgia — but he also helped him vet his cadre of consultants. Campaign finance reports show Jason Carter has been using the services of at least nine companies that over the past quarter-century have helped elect Democrats to Washington D.C.’s pinnacles of power. The national consultants are providing the campaign with political strategy, media services, fundraising services, data management, polling and web hosting. As of September, Carter had paid almost $100,000 to AKPD Message & Media LLC of Chicago, a firm founded by David Axelrod, the chief strategist for Obama’s 2008 winning bid for the White House. The campaign also has paid about $137,000 to Anzalone Litzt Research Inc. of Washington D.C., the premier Democratic polling firm in the United States” that was a pollster for Obama’s campaigns in 2008 and 2012. And it has paid more than $170,000 to Mack-Sumner Communications LLC of Alexandria, Va., which says it had “a major role in electing President Obama and Democrats in just about every battleground U.S. Senate, Gubernatorial and U.S. House race of the last decade.” Among the other vendors with ties to national Democrats are: • Integrity Partners & Associates of California, a fundraising consultant for President Bill Clinton in 1996 and a current consultant for U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer, U.S. Sen. Harry Reid and U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi. • Financial Innovations LLC of Rhode Island, which was founded by a former Rhode Island Democratic chairman and “first began making Democratic campaign paraphernalia in 1976 when Jimmy Carter first ran for president,” according to • NGP VAN Inc. of Washington D.C., a data management company that claims to have powered “nearly every major Democratic campaign” and asks on its website: “Want to use Obama’s tools for your campaign?” • Jafri Strategies LLC of New Jersey, which is owned by a regional finance director for Hillary Clinton’s first White House bid and now is helping the “Ready for Hillary” group raise money to blaze the trail for her in 2016. • 270 Strategies of Washington D.C., which was founded by people who worked for Obamas campaign and is helping build a grassroots effort to elect Hillary Clinton. • And Eric Dillon, a Washington D.C.-area consultant who helped Democrat Terry McAuliffe last fall become Virginia’s 72nd governor. McAuliffe was co-chairman of president Bill Clinton’s re-election campaign and was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential bid. Another telltale sign of the influence of national Democrats on Carter’s campaign is his targeting of middle class families. The political talking points of the nation’s Democrats, especially with the election of President Obama, increasingly have been designed to win over middle class voters. As recently as July, Pelosi’s website announced a “Middle Class Jumpstart” campaign that would get under way if her party wins the House majority Nov. 4. And just a click away on Carter’s website homepage is a link to “Jason’s Plan for the Middle Class.” Why this interest? Though most middle-class families might not realize it, they became political targets of the Left four decades ago, when a Viet Nam-era radical from Chicago named Saul Alinsky warned the more radical elements of the Democratic Party that without the voting strength of the middle class — whom he called the “Have-a-Little, Want Mores” — a fundamental shift in power away from America’s more conservative roots wouldn’t be possible. Alinksy’s playbook for radicals included the use of tactics that Democrats now commonly employ — divide Americans by reinforcing class differences, foment dissatisfaction, create confusion, and ridicule the enemy. “Ridicule,” wrote Alinsky in 1971, “is man’s most potent weapon.” In her college years Hillary Clinton was a fan of this so-called father of community organizing. And six years ago, voters elected to our nation’s highest office the most famous community organizer in American history. While seeking re-election two years ago, President Obama rightly said that voters in 2012 were deciding between two futures for America. A similar choice is before you now. Are you going to skip this election and let national Democrats determine Georgia’s future? Or are you going to get to the polls and vote for Gov. Nathan Deal, a proven leader who thinks for himself? We’re all counting on you. Sincerely, Rep. Terry England (R-Auburn)
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 20:02:05 +0000

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