Gergory is a DISASTER because of his WAY tilt to the right, NEVER - TopicsExpress


Gergory is a DISASTER because of his WAY tilt to the right, NEVER asking followup questions when his GOPer guests are LYING. They ARE lying HE knows they are lying, EVERYONE knows they are lying and he just sits there with that vacuous look on his idiotic face, jaw slack, dead eyes. Then he asks the next nerfball and sits there......DUHH, how bad IS the President Mr Gomert......DUHHHH. I had VERY little respect for russert either. For ME, the whole damn show jumped the shark YEARS ago when russert had some CIA guy on who had just stated that bush wanted bin ladens head in a box, on a pike in dry ice. russerts follow up? Where sir in Afghanistan would you find dry ice. That did it for me, I NEVER lent ANY credence to ANY of those GOP talking point presentations after that. And LUKE RUSSERT? That smirking, pompous little piss ant makes me puke every time I see him. tim russerts main claim to deity was dying before retiring. So his smirky asswipe kid is supposed to just step in because his dad died? NBC might just as WELL put squint and the meat puppet on meat the press, just give up all pretense of being a news show and fully install a GOP talking point marathon. Nobodys watching anyway.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 21:14:29 +0000

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