Geronimo 3.0.x Release Process Reference - TopicsExpress


Geronimo 3.0.x Release Process Reference Have 3.0.1 release as an example. Release Checklist 1. Better to use a non-Windows system to create the release candidate Dos line endings makes all unix shell scripts unexecutable 2. mvn rat:check Refer to the same section in Geronimo 2.1.x Release Process 3. Manually update some files: Updates all pom.xml files to search SNAPSHOT to ensure there is no snapshot dependencies Updates plugin-list url in $SRC\framework\configs\plugin\pom.xml Updates ##VERSION## in README.txt and RELEASE_NOTES.txt in source code root folder and $SRC\framework\configs\karaf-framework Updates JIRAs in RELEASE_NOTES.txt (bugs, improvement, new features, known issues, and limitations) Updates the copyright year number in NOTICE files Updates some un-released modules versions to 3.0.1. Refer to this ant scripts to update the versions in batch. Updating un-released modules versions manually Commit them 4. mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true -Pall-subprojects 5. Release Prepare Before doing release prepare, clean up you local repository to avoid the bad staging release artifacts to be included in the geronimo release. see reference. This will update the versions in branch 3.0 and create the release tag Manually remove all *.log files in the source code root folder, otherwise those might be packed into the source code zip files. mvn release:clean -Pall-subprojects mvn release:prepare -Pall-subprojects you need mvn clean install -Dstage=bootstrap in midway 6. Release Perform This will stage the release artifacts, mvn release:perform -Pall-subprojects In Apache nexus repository, click close 7. Vote Vote in mailing list, meanwhile wait TCK results. Sample release vote email as following: [VOTE] Release Geronimo 3.0.0 Hi Devs, With correction of legal files, here we have a new release candidate for vote. Please help vote at your earliest convenient time. The server code up for vote is: The binary code up for vote is: Java EE 6 Full Profile Tomcat Assemblies: Java EE 6 Web Profile Tomcat Assemblies: Little-G Tomcat Assemblies: Staging repo is: The tag has created at: Java EE 6 TCKs all passed! Vote will be at least open for 72 hours. [ ] +1 approve [ ] +0 no opinion [ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why) Post [VOTE PASS]xxx in the subject, and summarize the vote status in the body when vote close. 8. Release artifacts In Apache nexus, click release the artifacts will be synchronized to maven central repository in some time. 9. Update geronimo-plugins.xml delete your local ~/.m2/repository/geronimo-plugins.xml build tag 3.0.0, which will generate a new geronimo-plugins.xml in ~/.m2/repository/ do the actions as described here – – in step 12. 10. Check-in artifacts into dist svnpubsub Check-in the artifacts into Update and with your public key (if it is not there). Check-in the artifacts and their checksums (*.tar.gz.md5, *.zip.md5, *.tar.gz.sha1, *.zip.sha1, *.asc) into 11. Announce in Mailing list and Post news in homepage Modify Add a new page list the artifacts that can be downloaded. Modify frontpage and add a news. 12. Update the security advisory page Add a section to the new release at If there are outstanding advisories for vulnerabilities fixed by this release, move the vulnerability descriptions to the new release section. 13. Manaually update files in the 3.0 branch after release update 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT to ##VERSION## in README.txt and RELEASE_NOTES.txt remove the JIRA list in RELEASE_NOTES.txt (bugs, improvement, new features, limitations) search 3.0.0 and change them to 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT Update artifact-alias, add version 3.0.0 in artifact-alias after 3.0.0 release /framework/configs/pom.xml /plugins/client/pom.xml /plugins/corba/client-corba-yoko/pom.xml /plugins/pom.xml commit them Prerequisite 1. Use Genesis 2.0 as a parent pom org.apache.geronimo.genesis genesis-java5-flava 2.0 genesis-java5-flava-2.0.pom genesis-default-flava-2.0.pom genesis-2.0.pom apache-6.pom 2. Use Maven 3.0.3 Enable Apache Servers (refer: ... apache.snapshots.https 664 775 apache.releases.https stagingSite 664 775 ... reference: It is highly recommended to use Mavens password encryption capabilities for your 3. Setup PGP Keys (for the ones who be the release manager the first time) Download gnupg2 Generate your PGP Key (refer: so that maven-release-plugin can sign your built artifacts when do release:perform How To Avoid SHA-1 How To Generate a Strong Key Update Mavens settings.xml with following: ... apache-release ... Meanwhile, append your public key to and so that user can verify the artifacts you released. gpg --gen-key RSA and RSA (default), 4096 gpg --list-sigs xxxxxx && gpg --armor --export xxxxxx > xxxxxx.key cat your public key to above KEYS file reference:
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 17:05:24 +0000

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