Gerund and infinitive A gerund=the form of a verb(e.g ., - TopicsExpress


Gerund and infinitive A gerund=the form of a verb(e.g ., talking,playing ,understanding) An infinitive =to+the simple form of a verb(e.g.,to talk,to play,to understand) I)INTRODUCTION S v (a)playing tennis is fun. S v o (b) We enjoy playing tennis ; PREP O (c) He is exited about playing tennis. A gerund is the- ing form of the verb used as a noun.A gerund is used in the same way as a noun i.e. ,as a subject or object. In(a) :playing is a gerund.It is used as the subject of the sentence.Playing tennis is a gerund phrase. In (b) :playing is used as the subject of the verb enjoy. In(c) : playing is used as the object of the preposition about. II) Some examples of gerunds. A)Verbs followed by infinitive or gerund ( verb+ infinitive or gerund (ing) Examples : - John hates to ride the bicycle. - John hates riding the bicycle. B)Verbs /Adjectives/Nouns +preposition followed by gerund 1)verbs+preposition+gerund(ing) approve of be better off count on cut off depend on give up Insist on keep on rely on succeed in think about think of Worrry about Examples : -He gave up smoking. -They insisted on hiring her. 2)Adjectives+preposition+Gerund(ing) afriad of capable of fond of tired of intent on intersted in successful in accustomed to Examples : -He is interested in buying this old car. -They are fond of dancing. 3) Nouns+ preposition+ gerund(ing) choice of intention of possibility of excuse for method for reason for Examples : -There is no reason for being late. -There is a possibility of success ding. C)Adjectives always followed by infinitive : anxious boring dangerous hard eager easy good strange pleased prepared ready able usual common difficult Examples : -It’s dangerous to drive at night. -We are ready to leave now. D)verbs followed by infinitive or gerund but the meaning changes : stop remember forget Examples : -He stopped studying ( he stopped to study anymore ). -He stopped to study ( he stopped doing soething in order to study). III)Using gerund as the object of preposition : (a) We talked about going to Canada for our vacation. (b) Sue is in charge of organizing the meeting. (c) I’m interested in learning more about your work. A gerund is frequently used as the object of preposition. (d) I’m used to sleeping with the window open. (e) I’m accustomed to sleeping with the window open (f) I look forward to going home next month. (g) They object to changing their plans at this late date. In(d)through(g) : to is a preposition,not part of an infinitive form ,so a gerund follows. (h) We talked about not going to the meeting,but finally decided we should. Negative form : not precedes a gerund. IV)COMMON VERBS FOLLOWED BY GERUND : Verb+Gerund (a) I enjoy playing tennis. Gerunds are used as the objects of certain verbs. In(a),enjoy is followed by gerund(playing). Enjoy is not followed an infinitive. INCORRECT : I enjoy to play tennis.Common verbs that are followed by gerunds are given in the list bellow. (b) Joe quit smoking. (c) Joe gave up smoking. (b) and(c) have the same meaning .Some two-word verbs ;e.g.,give up are followed by gerunds. These two-word verbs are given in parentheses in the list below. Verb+Gerund enjoy quit(give up) avoid consider (think about ) appreciate finish (get through ) postpone(put off) Discuss(talk about) mind stop delay mention keep (keep on ) suggest Stop can also be followed immidiately by an infinitive of purpose ( in order to). COMPARE the following : (1) Stop +gerund : When the professor entered the room,the students stopped talking.The room became quiet. (2) Stop+infinitive of purpose :While I was walking down the street,I ran into an old friend.I stopped to talk to him.( I stopped in order to to tazlk to him). V) Go + gerund : (a) Did you go shopping ? (b) We went fishing yesterday. Go is followed by gerund in certain idiomatic expressions to express ,for most part,recreational activities. Go + gerund : go bird watching go hiking go sightseeing go boating go hunting go skating go bowling go jogging go skiing go camping go mountain climbing go sledding go canoeing go runing go swimming go dancing go sailing go tobgganing go fishing go shopping go window shopping VI) COMMON VERBS FOLLOWED BY INFINITIVE : Verb+infinitive (a) I hope to see you again soon. (b) He promised to be here by ten . (c) He promised not to be late. Some verbs are followed immidiately by an infinitive,as in(a) and (b).See group A below. Negative form :not precedes the infinitive. Verb + (pro) Noun + Infinitive : (d) Dr.Lee told me to be here at ten o’clock. (e) The police ordered the driver to stop. Some verbs are followed by a (pro) noun and then an infinitive,as in (d) and (e).See group B below. (f) I was ordered tobe here at ten o’clock. (g) The driver was ordered to stop. These verbs are followed immidiately by an infinitive when they are used in the passive,as (f) and (g). (h) I expected to pass the test. (i) I expected Mary to pass the test. Ask,expect,would like,want,and need may or may not be followed by a (pro) noun object. Compare : In (h) : I think I will pass the test. In (i) : I think Mary will pass the test. Group A : VERB + INFINITIVE : hope to promise to seem to expect to plan to agree to appear to would like to intend to offer to pretend to want to decide to refuse to ask to need to GROUP B : VERB + (PRO) NOUN + INFINITIVE : tell someone to invite someone to require someone to expect someone to advise someone to permit someone to order someone to would like someone to encourage someone to allow someone to force someone to want someone to remind someone to warn someone to ask someone to need someone to Intend is usually followed by an infinitive ( I intend to go to the meeting)but sometimes may be followed by a gerund( I intend going to the meeting) with no change in meaning. A gerund is used after advise(active)if there is no (pro ) noun object. COMPARE : (1) He advised buying a Fiat. (2)He advised me to buy a Fiat . I was advised to buy a Fiat. VII) COMMON VERBS FOLLOWRED BY EITHER INFINITIVE OR GERUND : Some verbs can be followed by either an infinitive or gerund,sometimes with no difference in meaning,as in Group A below,and sometimes with a difference in meaning,as in Group B below. GROUP A : VERB + INFINITIVE OR GERUND ( WITH NO DIFFERENCE IN MEANING) : begin like hate start love can’t stand continue prefer can’t bear The verbs in this group may be followed by either an infinitive or gerund with little or no difference in meaning (a) It began to rain. /It began raining. (b) I started to work./I started working. (c) It was beginning to rain. In (a) : there is no difference between began to rain and began raining. If the main verb is progressive, an infinitive ,not a gerund, is usually used. GROUP B : VERB+ INFINITIVE OR GERUND ( WITH A DIFFERENCE IN MEANING) : remember regret forget try (these verbs may be followed by either an infinitive or gerund,but the meaning is different) (d) Judy always remembers to lock the door. (e) Sam often forgets to lock the door. (f) I remember seeing the Alps for the first time.The sight was impressive. (g) I ‘ll never forget seeing Alps for the first time. Remember + infinitive = remember to perform responsibility,duty,or task,as in(d). Forget + infinitive = forget to perform responsibility,duty,or task,as in(e). Remember + gerund = remember (recall) something that happened in the past,as in(f) ? Forget + gerung = forget something that happened in the past,as in (g). (h) I regret to tell you that you failed the test. (i) I regret lending him some money.He never paid me back . Regret + infinitive = regret to say,to tell someone,to inform someone of some bad news,as in(h). Regret + gerund = regret something that happened in the past,as in (i). (j) I’m trying to learn English. (k) The room was hot.I tried opening the window ,but that didn’t help.So I tried turning on the fan,but I was still hot.Finally,I turned on the air conditioner . Try + infinitive = make an effort,as in(j). Try + gerund = experiment with a new or different approch to see if it works,as in (k) . Notice the pattern with prefer : Prefer + gerund : I prefer staying home to going to the concert. Prefer + infinitive : I prefer to stay home than (to) go to the concert. Forget followed by gerund usually occurs in negative sentence or a guestion :e.g . ,I’ll never forget,I can’t forget,Have you ever forgotten,and Can you ever forget can be followed by a gerund phrase.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 12:55:08 +0000

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