Gestaltbilding Is self-awareness all about knowing yourself? Or - TopicsExpress


Gestaltbilding Is self-awareness all about knowing yourself? Or is it more than that? The more you go deep into the tunnel of self-awareness, the tunnel melts in a highway. The boundaries between you and your co-beings fade away. Self-awareness is that part of the awareness that breaks all barriers of becoming fully aware of the wholeness. The part which resides in your self-awareness blossoms as the total awareness. Meditation is the process which makes you self-aware and then takes you to the total awareness. If self-awareness is zero, then cosmic awareness is infinity. If cosmic awareness is zero, then self-awareness is infinity. The stillness of mind that we experience as a result of the meditation is not just a void where nothing exists or happens. It is the domain of infinite energy where comic awareness permeates the self. This is the moment of Truth. “ Truth liberates”- So says Jesus. He is not talking about the truth as a universal constant or law. He is talking about the beauty of the moment of that liberation. A Jesus, or a Buddha or Lao Tzu is not interested in talking about the truth as a universal law or a commandment. The go on talking about the truth as a “presence” at the moment of awareness that unfolds every moment within you. Every moment is an experience of liberation. It is continuous process which unfolds dynamically from moment to moment. It is not something to be cherished and preserved. Liberation leads to more liberation.. It is never static. Truth, as you conceive it is often static and frozen in time. Jesus was not going to say that the truth had liberated someone or truth would liberate you sometime. He says “ Truth liberates”. The “present” is all that matters in self-awareness. The past and future are pregnant with the present. You need to deal with the present as if the past and future were already in it alive and dynamic. Both are basically the same and has dissolved in the present. Have you noticed a pregnant woman walking? It is quite different from the way she has walked in her entire life so far. When she is walking, she is being constantly reminded of the fetus growing inside her. This is exactly how you need to live in the present. It is not freedom without responsibility. It is not a license to practice oblivion. You keep walking just like a pregnant woman is doing mindful of her child within her. You are the present and your pregnancy is the engram of the past and present enfolded in the present. All your actions in the present therefore, take into consideration the well being of the pregnancy. This is the secret of liberation. Understanding this secret and living with it is called the “Truth”. Jesus does not also say from what it liberates you. It liberates .. that’s it. From and to does not matter to a Jesus. Because it is a moment in the present. “From” and “to” correspond to movement in time and space. The moment you define something in space and time, you confine it to either past or the future. There is no need to state the spatial and temporal co-ordinates of past and future as both are immersed in the present. A Jesus never defines these co-ordinates as they are as undefinable and ineffable as the zero. Our universal concepts about life are always explained and defined in terms of spatial and temporal co-ordinates and they become finite information which can be used in certain moments and discarded. But we cling to them and get obsessed with them and even try to explain the origin and end of the cosmos in those terms. The more we try to explain them, the more complex they become. Mathematicians are still perplexed by the ineffable nature of zero and has no way of getting rid of it from their philosophy. We see and respond to external stimuli through a tunnel flow of information. We think that information flows in from our sense organs to the brain and flows out from the brain to our muscles and glands. This is the conventional knowledge of biophysics. So, we cannot do away with spatial and temporal co-ordinates in the flow of information within the cell functions of our nervous system. We picture ourselves dealing with our emotions, thoughts in a temporal and spatial frame and have even brought the concept that “ Time heals”. If the information and energy that flow in our cells are contributed by some source creating electrical images and then transmitted across the complex biochemical network in the nervous system , it can certainly be envisioned that there is a movement in time and space even if the speed is electromagnetic. Anything that moves in time gives rise to the notion of past and future. The present is a point that precedes the future and succeeds the past. Biophysics has now come to a point where such concepts are being challenged for its validity. Can we unfold the feelings, emotional and thoughts in your being on a temporal and spatial co-ordinate system? When we are overwhelmed by thoughts, feelings or emotions are we being governed by flow of information from point to point? How do the cellular molecules in our body talk to each other and transmit information unless it is a movement in time and space? An usual development in molecular biology in the 1980s, pave way to a new and revolutionary thinking that is being corroborated by more and more biophysicists today. The Nature magazine published some authentic articles in 1988 on this new theory. I would try to outline the key points of one of such experiments by conducted by a great French scientist called Jacques Benveniste who was working in the French lab INSERM ( French National Institute for Health and Research). He was well known for his discovery of the platelet activating factor (PAF) responsible for allergies like asthma. He was experimenting in his lab on the reaction of certain white blood cells to allergens. He had chosen the type of white blood cells which contain antibodies of ImmunoglobinE (IgE). These white cells otherwise known as basophils are responsible for the hypersensitive reactions in people with allergies to pollen, dust etc., Quite accidentally, an unusual and unexpected reaction in the white cells was noticed even when there too few molecules of allergens present in the solution under experiment. Repeated experimentation with same dilutions resulted in same reactions in white cells (basophils). He was confounded by the same reaction repeatedly taking place even after diluting the solution and also ensuring that there is no undisclosed second antigen present in the solution even by chance. They went on diluting the solution to a point where none of the original active substance remained. The solution was diluted so much that it could only be plain water. The basophils were still affected even with 1/10120 dilution when there was virtually there was no possibility that a single molecule of IgE was present. The potency of anti-IgE was at its highest when the dilution was increasing beyond a point. It was almost like the unbelievable dictum of homeopathic medicine where they day that the potency of a medicine high when the solution is the weakest. T This experiment had far reaching repercussions in medical sciences. If the solution of the antibodies was diluted repeatedly until they contain not even a single molecule of the antibody, it still created a response in the immune cells. This experiment forced the biophysicists to think differently about the way cells talk to each other. Specific information must have been transmitted during the dilution process in that water could act as a template for the molecules through the chemical bond or electro-magnetic field. The precise nature still remains unproven. The classic theory of molecular communication in cells is that two molecules match each other and exchange specific information known as QSAR (Quantitative Structure Activity Partnership) The heart rate goes faster when adrenalin is pumped as a result of your excitement. QSAR explains such reaction as a result of reaction through contact and some sort of impulsive molecular forces. Such contacts between molecules is explained as matter of probability. In the average cell, which contains one molecule of protein for every 10,000 molecules of water, the probability theory seldom holds water. The chance theory cannot explain why feelings like anger, depression, fear overwhelm you completely instantaneously. Benveniste came up with an explanation of electromagnetic resonance in cellular molecules that better explains the speed of such biological phenomena than chance theory. If photons in the body excite molecules along the entire spectrum of the electromagnetic frequencies, it is possible for each molecule to emit its own designated frequency of oscillation. When two molecules tune into each other, the get in resonance. These two resonating molecules would then create another frequency with the next group of molecules In this way, every molecule in our cells will start playing a note that is will be coherently spread out in the entire cosmos! It is even possible to attach the transcripts of such molecular frequency signals to emails.. The excitation of these molecules is just not a random phenomenon. The excitation is caused by the photos from light energy. Are we beings of light so that we can generate these photons with in our DNAs? It has been scientifically established that bio-photon emissions do take place in our DNAs.( Fritz Albert Popp , a German biophysicist established this fact in 1970 while experimenting for cure for cancer.) The orchestration of cell processes by DNAs is still a mystery to biophysicists who try to explain the geometric shapes and the processes of our physical bodies as a result of chemical reactions. There are more than 100,000 chemical reactions to be orchestrated in every living cell of the human body every second! This process is repeated simultaneously across every cell in our body. A fraction of an error in the timing of this orchestra can blow up the human body in no time!! DNA seems to have such a feedback mechanism that controls all these reactions in individual genes and cells to carry out all the systems in unison. If all these processes work due to simple chemical collisions and reactions among molecules, how can we account for the mind boggling speed of these reactions and reactions that occur “simultaneously” in our bodies. Popp coined a word in German for this mysterious phenomenon of cell co-ordination and communication- gestaltbilding. There must be central conductor of the orchestra which is gestaltbilding. Through his experiments, Popp was able to identify the conductor of this phenomenon. Bio-photons emanating from bio-photo emissions taking place in our body are responsible for this process. Popp was however, corroborating the theories that an electro-magnetic field. Bio-photo emission was not new phenomenon to science. A Russian scientist by name Alexander Gurwitsch had established mitogenic radiations ( a form of bio-photo emission) emanating from onion roots as early as 1920. Herbert Frolich, a scientist working in Liverpool university ( who received the prestigious Max Planck award) was one of the first to introduce the idea that some sort of collective vibration is responsible for getting proteins to co-operate with each other in order to carry out the instruction written in the DNA and proteins. Such frequency waves are now even termed as Frolich frequencies. The molecules while oscillating at these frequencies reach a high level of coherence. Many other weird quantum effect observed in a single wave apply to the whole. Anything that happens to one of them will affect the whole instantaneously. This is what is precisely happening within the orchestra conducted in our DNAs. This kind of coherence was observed in super conductor metals and some super fluids and is represented by a theory formulated as Einsten-Bose equation in physics as well. When we digest our food, it is metabolized into CO2 and water plus the light stored in the sun (absorbed by the organic food) We know that photosynthesis in plants and sun’s energy is stored in them . when we take in the plant as our food we are also taking in the sun’s energy as one of the qualities of the food that we eat. The suns’s energy dissipates in our body as the energy of the photons and gets distributed over the entire spectrum of the electro-magnetic frequencies from the lowest to the highest. This energy is the driving force of all the molecular vibrations in our body. Our spiritual masters have taught as that the quality of light frequencies we create depends to some extent on the quality of the food we take in. Tamasic, rajasic and sattwic are mixed in various proportions in the food habits we possess. The field created by your frequencies depends on the gunas you possess. Thus photon (light) is the conductor of the orchestra in our DNAs. Spirtual masters like Jesus have repeatedly asserted from their experience of tapping into this energy that we are beings of light.. The body’s communication network is a complex network of resonating waves. Wave resonance is not just a process of communication within a human body. It happens between two healthy beings. It happens among all healthy beings. We exchange photons with everything in the cosmos irrespective of space and time. We may not truly understand this within the domain of three-dimensional space. The higher the frequencies we emanate from our cells, we start levitating to a fourth dimension. Our spiritual masters have truly experienced this fourth dimension. Their difficulty has been the language of the mortals who are stuck in three-dimensional plane of living where time and space cannot be done away with. These Frolich frequencies (electro-magnetic molecular signaling) is capable of explaining why acupuncture and homeopathy work as a method of restoring your health. The complex communication network, which I tried to explain as simplistically as possible, is an extension of the behavior of the sub-atomic particles in Quantum physics. According to the Quantum theory, the individual entity of a particle is transient and illusory. Particles cannot be disidentified from the space. The space is neither a vacuum, nor a plenum as the Aristotlean philosophy describes them. No particle is at rest as postulated in Quantum physics through Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle. They are constantly in vibration due to ground state field of energy constantly interacting with the atomic matter. It means that the sub-structure of the universe is an ocean of Quantum fields. All particles interact and exchange energy with the other quantum particles in accordance with the great equation E=mc2. These particles are transient and some of them are virtual particles which get annihilated in no time. They cause random fluctuations of energy without any apparent cause. The amounts of such energies exchanged in sub-atomic domain add up to something hugely enormous that exceeds the sum of all energies known by all the matter in the world! It is so huge that every cubic centimeter of space contains more energy than the total energy calculated from all the known matter in the world!! This is a field of energy that scientists used to call vacuum which is in reality not a void or an empty space but a sea of energies. The fluctuations in this field are still detectable even at absolute zero (-2730C) temperature and hence the name Zero-point field. Zero point energy is the energy present in the emptiest state of space at the lowest possible energy out of which no more energy could be removed –the closest to the point of still ness or zero motion for sub-atomic particles. Mind you, it is not stillness or a state of rest though. On the contrary, the empty space is bustling with activity. The energy existing in zero point field exceeds the total energy existing in all known matter by a factor of 1040 !!! This energy contained within one cubic meter is enough to boil all the oceans of the world!! The imprints of the sub-atomic vibrations of all the particles of matter exist in the zero-point field just like the hologram imprints the interference patterns of of light beams beamed out from 3 –dimensional objects. In fact when the interactive vibrations are taking place in the frequency spectrum of various matters, the imprint is also being shaped accordingly. In a sense, vacuum is the beginning and end of everything in the universe. Our spiritual masters have embraced this state of void through meditation which is another name for self-awareness. This is the awareness of the gestaltbilding from inside of you. From inside they become aware of and free from everything that separates them from others. They can fell vibrate and dance with the frequencies of every other being in cosmos. It is just a matter of self –awareness and becoming conscious of your mind. It is just watching your mind and the rest will gradually unfold in your essence. When you start exchanging positive energy with your fellow beings as well as everything that exists around you, you will slowly fall in sync with the orchestra which the photons are conducting in each living cell of your body. The coherence will happen in the wave frequencies and you will find the true meaning of inner joy from within which remains eternal. The pleasures and pains of the external world have long been forgotten by then!!!
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 01:11:07 +0000

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