Get Off the Diet Rollercoaster For Good! Fad diets come and go, - TopicsExpress


Get Off the Diet Rollercoaster For Good! Fad diets come and go, but the truth is you shouldn’t have to go on a diet at all. Your diet should be the way you eat all of the time. Most doctors agree that going on a severely restrictive diet will help you lose weight temporarily but won’t help you over time. As a matter of fact, diets that are too strict may have you neglecting certain nutrients that your body needs and may do you more harm than good. Bad diets are designed to fail. You may lose weight in the beginning, but as soon as you begin to eat normally, the weight returns. Unfortunately, the more often this yo yo type dieting occurs, the harder it is to lose weight time and again. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can learn the secret to never having to diet again. Instead of dieting, you will learn to make changes to the way that you eat. These changes won’t be temporary. The changes you choose to make will be ones that you can live with. Changes that won’t leave you feeling deprived or depressed. Slowly, but surely, you will willingly turn away from foods that don’t meet your criteria for the body that you desire. Eat five meals a day, instead of the traditional three meals a day and never feel hungry. Eating smaller portions more often is a good way to cut down on calories while staving off hunger. You can control the urge to overeat at each meal knowing that your next meal is only a few hours away. I have been eating this way for a few years and have been able to control my weight, improve my health and balance my hormones. It is the foundation for my Living Healthy Nutrition Plan and has been successful in helping others manage their weight too. Many people like fad diets because they cause you to lose weight fast. The problem is that for a diet to make you lose weight fast, it probably restricts calorie intake way below normal. If that is what you are interested in, you can do that by yourself by starving yourself. This is not what smart women interested in a healthy lifestyle should even be considering. No matter how frustrated you get about losing those stubborn pounds, choose a wise, healthy path and stay away from fad diets for long term success. Contact me today if you are interested in hearing more about my nutrition plan. amyleo@livinghealthyfitness.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 12:30:00 +0000

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