Get Our 2014 Spring Forecast! by Caleb Weatherbee | Monday, - TopicsExpress


Get Our 2014 Spring Forecast! by Caleb Weatherbee | Monday, February 24th, 2014 | From: Weather Get Our 2014 Spring Forecast! Spring will start late and be exceptionally wet for most sections of the country, with snowfall predicted through late March and early April in many areas, including an East Coast storm in mid-April that could bring a very late-season snow to high-terrain areas of New England. In the nation’s midsection, we expect “tornado alley” to flare-up in April and again in June. Warm weather will initially be slow to establish itself, potentially creating expectations that summer will be as cool and wet as spring. This will not be the case. Though we’ll offer a more complete summer forecast in a few months, in the meantime, here’s a look at how spring will shape up in your region: In the Northeast, the opening days will be greeted with plenty of rain, snow, and cold temperatures. An unseasonably warm patch in mid-April will provide an early taste of spring, but will be short-lived, as a late-season snowstorm follows right on its heels. Cold temperatures will persist through early May, with frequent showers, warming up in time for Memorial Day and the unofficial start of summer. In the Midwest & Great Lakes region, the opening days of spring will bring variable cloudiness, followed by a storm bringing rain and wet snow to eastern Kentucky and Ohio. April will be unrelentingly wet, despite a string of unseasonably warm days in the middle of the month. Wet weather will continue into May, warming up toward the end of the month. In the Southeastern states, the season will open to windy and rainy conditions, followed by some very warm temperatures and severe thunderstorms. Showers will continue through most of April, followed by a cloudy, but hot May. In the Northern Plains and Rockies, clear, cold weather will dominate the opening days of spring, followed by snow in the northernmost states and a wintry mix elsewhere. April will be chilly and wet with rain and frequent dips into freezing temperatures. May will remain wet. Temperatures will rise throughout the month, but will be unseasonably chilly toward the end of the month. In the South Central region, the season will open with clear, cold conditions, followed by a warming tend and many severe thunderstorms. More violent storms, along with tornado threats will arrive throughout early April, followed by some blasts of very cold air toward the end of the month. Things will warm up in May, which we predict will be hot, but wet. In the Northwestern states, increasingly cloudy skies will break open in a powerful storm system at the end of March. Things will clear up briefly before bringing on more wet weather throughout April and May. In keeping with the ongoing drought conditions in the Southwest, this region is expected to be drier and warmer than the rest of the U.S. We do call for some showers, particularly in early April and late May. We hope this will be enough to provide some relief from the devastating dryness, but we can’t offer any assurances. In Newfoundland and Labrador, a hefty snowfall should arrive just in time for the start of spring, followed by continuing storms from the south. Heavy precipitation, including showers and snow, will continue through most of April, broken up by a brief spell of unseasonably mild weather mid-month. Cold conditions will hold on through most of the rest of the season. Farther south, in the Canadian Maritimes, the early days of spring will bring a significant storm from the south, followed by a brief warm-up. March will end with more heavy snow. April will bring continued wet and cold, interrupted by a brief period of unseasonable warmth toward the middle of the month. Cool, unsettled conditions will hang on through most of the season. Westward into Ontario, the season will open to rain and wet snow, followed by heavy snow at the end of the month. April will bring continued wet and cold, interrupted by a brief period of unseasonable warmth toward the middle of the month. Cool, unsettled conditions will hang on through early May, warming up as June approaches. In Alberta and Manitoba, conditions will be clear and cold through most of the season. Expect very little precipitation until mid-April, when some strong storm systems will drop rain and/or snow over both the Rockies and Prairies. Cold weather and rain will persist throughout May. In British Columbia, spring will open under increasingly cloudy skies, followed by a powerful storm from the Pacific. The remainder of the season will be cloudy and cool with occasional rainfall.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 13:17:17 +0000

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