Get US Out! of the United Nations By: John F. - TopicsExpress


Get US Out! of the United Nations By: John F. McManus 05/16/2013 Print E-mail View of the east river and Manhattan skyline featuring the United Nations building. View of the east river and Manhattan skyline featuring the United Nations building. Shutterstock Danger Overlooked When U.S. Entered the United Nations. When members of the U.S. Senate voted to approve the United Nations Charter in July 1945, 89 said Yes and only 2 said No. The 96 senators who were asked to consider membership in the newly crafted world government organization (Alaska and Hawaii had not yet been admitted as states and had no congressional representatives), the world’s “most exclusive” body, debated the matter during parts of a mere six days. In order to cast a positive vote for entry into the UN, a senator had to either approve or completely overlook several portions of the Charter that elevated the world body to a position superior to the U.S. Constitution. The Charter’s very brief Article 25 states in its entirety: “The Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the present Charter.” That portion of the Charter has been used repeatedly to override the U.S. Constitution! That any U.S. senator would assent to that is simply mind-boggling. Some surely excused their positive stance by pointing to our nation’s possession of veto power over any Security Council decision. But that veto power has rarely been used to assert U.S. independence from UN desires, and the refusal to use it was a foregone conclusion. Then as today, some of the 89 who approved the Charter were committed internationalists who had no love for the limitations on government contained in the U.S. Constitution they had sworn to uphold. Others, operating as do members of Congress today, never bothered to read what they were asked to approve and relied on their political party’s leaders to give them their orders. But it is also true that many were swept into wanting to give the newly proposed UN a try, a chance to do something that might avoid another world war. After all, World War I that ended in 1918 was followed only 23 years later by U.S. entry into World War II. Throughout the nation, this attitude calling for something new to avoid war had been carefully spread. It persuaded many Americans, even some of the most patriotic, to support what truly should have been deemed unsupportable. The UN Charter’s Article 1 mentions “peace” six times in a brief listing of its four “purposes.” So the world body and its supporters claim that the UN is a “peace organization.” But Article 2 grants the UN permission to start a war; Article 42 provides details about the kind of war it shall start; and Article 43 commands member nations to supply troops. As former State Department official J. Reuben Clark stated after reading the Charter and urging that it not be approved, “The Charter is a war document not a peace document [that] makes it practically certain that we shall have future wars.” The two senators who voted against approving the Charter were Republicans Henrik Shipstead of Minnesota and William Langer of North Dakota. Shipstead told his colleagues that ratifying the Charter would create a situation where “the President can take us into war at any time” without approval by Congress. Langer insisted that “adoption of the Charter will mean perpetuating war.” Their warnings were disregarded. The Charter won Senate approval on July 28, 1945. The UN’s first formal meeting occurred on October 24, 1945. On December 20, 1945, Congress approved the United Nations Participation Act that granted power to a president to send U.S. forces to wherever the UN wanted them. No more would there be a need for Congress to approve a declaration of war. In subsequent years, Congress approved entry of our nation into NATO and SEATO, both created as “Regional Arrangements” permitted under Articles 52-54 of the Charter, and both serving the UN more than any participating nation. Beyond considerations about future wars, however, the people of all nations were assured in the Charter’s Article 2 that the UN would have no authority to “intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state.” The American people are now becoming aware of an array of UN interventions in our nation’s domestic affairs and they want to know more about the world body. If the UN is now asserting power over property rights, land use, and a great deal more through implementation of its Agenda 21, many Americans are asking where such assumptions of power have come from and where they will lead. Obviously, they need to know more about the world body whose power they have begun to fear. To help fellow Americans know some of the heretofore hidden facts about the United Nations, we have written the 45-page booklet entitled America and the United Nations. Having just completed a speaking tour in the Northeast detailing many hard truths about the United Nations, it is perfectly obvious that there has never been a time when fellow Americans have been more ready to join in the call to “Get US out!” Since various portions of the UN’s Agenda 21 have already impacted them, they want a greater understanding about the UN, and are even willing to consider withdrawal from it. Our new booklet America and the United Nations answers the questions many are asking. It tells how the United States entered and why the U.S. should leave — while time to do so still remains. It is the right tool at the right time to raise the awareness of many more fellow Americans about the reasons why so many have already backed the cry to “Get US out! of the United Nations.” All readers of this article should obtain copies of this inexpensive booklet and begin sharing them with the rising number of concerned fellow citizens. Although Ron Paul was no longer in the new Congress in January to reintroduce his well-known H.R. 1146 bill to withdraw United States membership in the United Nations, Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) has kept this tradition alive by introducing H.R. 75, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013, which duplicates all of the language and provisions of Paul’s H.R. 1146. There are three cosponsors of H.R. 75 so far this year. All readers of this article should contact their representative and ask him or her to cosponsor H.R. 75, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013, and contact their senators and ask them to introduce a companion bill to H.R. 75 in the Senate. For more information go to our “Get US out! of the United Nations” action page. (This article was originally published as "Danger Overlooked When U.S. Entered the United Nations" in the June 2013 JBS Bulletin.) (The photo of the United Nations buildings via Shutterstock.)
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 21:15:34 +0000

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