Get in the will of God and in the prayer position of preparation - TopicsExpress


Get in the will of God and in the prayer position of preparation now! No more delays or putting off what The Lord has instructed us to do! His rewards are coming for the obedient and disobedient!!! He will not be merciful to them who refused to take heed to His warnings and do mock and laugh at His words of warning! They shall soon see the other side of God, that He is a consuming fire! From the pulpit to the door shall His judgement and cleansing start first in the household of faith! Great trees shall the Lord cut down who have for years stood, but produced no fruit or sacrifices pleasing unto the Lord! Pride and arrogance like a parasite has made these great trees rotten and hollow on the inside because they hear not, they obey not! They still live on what they did back then, but the fruit has become spoiled and of no use for God! The great stature of the trees tells the history and works of these trees! Many have visible scars from working in ministry and some wounds are beneath the surface that they have not allowed God to touch or heal! The time is drawing near when some trees will be cut down! Pray that The Lord has not sent His angels to cut down our tree because we have not obeyed nor heard God! God will especially not spare His church because we know better and we know what is required of us as leaders and children in the Body of Christ! Some who have abused and taken what God has called Holy and defiled it with the worlds way of doing things shall lose what they have! God said that He blessed us with all that we have and still we take His blessings and defile them by giving them to His enemy, allowing His enemy to enjoy the benefits of His blessings! Repent! The Lord is calling us to repent and leave what God has not ordained and permitted! We asked and begged God for things that He didnt want us to have and when things didnt turn out right, we blamed God for the mess that we willfully disobeyed God to get! Some are still trying to make things look like the blessings of God and He said it is not! Stop lying on God and telling others that He gave this and that to us when behind closed doors we are tormented and suffering with the choices we made, not God! Many ran but were not sent, so they have created disasters in the kingdom of God that He now has to replace these leaders with His real, called leaders to help clean up this mess! Some chased after titles more than counting the costs of the works in the kingdom and now do they also wish that they could just walk away because they didnt consider that we must die to the flesh in order for Christs spirit and will to live through us! God will cleanse every house of what is not rooted and grounded in Him! Our faith will be tried and those whom God has called and ordained for the ministry and labor shall not faint! But The Lord says that He will add more strength to them, send them help, and enlarge their territories to produce more fruit! The ministries that have not produced fruit for God shall not last long! Just as the fig tree whose leaves bared no fruit in its season when Jesus came by to pick and eat, Jesus cursed it that it withered and died! The Lord is checking to see which houses of worship have produced fruit and if our fruit is not pleasing to God, our tree shall wither and die! That fig tree never produced anymore fruit because it did not do what God had created it to do in its season! It wasnt ready or available when The Lord Jesus needed it! Jesus reigns forever and ever!!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:11:10 +0000

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