Get inspiration from the Bible Christian Character. Christians - TopicsExpress


Get inspiration from the Bible Christian Character. Christians are Christians because God has chosen them. That’s something that’s not very clearly taught or understood today. It’s a myth that a person decides to become a Christian. Of course it’s true, we do have to make a decision. But it’s not something that comes out of our human nature. It’s something we’re stimulated to do in the first place by the Spirit of God working upon us. It’s something we do as God’s chosen people. That can banish any sort of pride, any sense of superiority. If we are Christian, it is only because God’s Holy Spirit has brought out spirit to life. Then as Christian people we have to ’clothe ourselves’; clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, goodness and patience. These are qualities we have to ’put on’. like we put a suit of clothing on, or something that we wrap around ourselves. Not as a sort of exterior veneer, but qualities that we put on so that they may grow to become part of what we really are. And qualities which can only grow thus because the Spirit of God is within us. The peace of Christ, the word of Christ, the name of the Lord Jesus. These are the foundation stones upon which we shall be able to put on our Christian clothing. Without these foundations we shall not be able even to begin the task. When as Christian people, we think of what the Lord Jesus Christ did for us, when we think of the sacrifice of himself he made upon the Cross, when we think of the fact that he has called us to be his own, when we think of his life he offers us, the peace he gives us, of the gift of his Holy Spirit, should we not be thankful? Should not thankfulness be at the core of our lives? And if thankfulness is at the core of our lives, will we not strive to clothe (ourselves) with compassion, kindness, humility, goodness and patience? bearing with each other, forgiving each other and putting on love as the primary virtue? All these things we shall strive to do, want to do as we are thankful. Let us take time daily to think of what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for us. Let us thank him daily for our salvation and then maybe we shall just want one thing above all else: to become more and more like him.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 12:41:17 +0000

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