Get on your knees and fight like a man ! I remember hearing that - TopicsExpress


Get on your knees and fight like a man ! I remember hearing that quote in a Christian song many years ago. It stuck with me because of the strange mental picture it created in my mind. You see I had learned some basic self-defense moves from my dad and had always heard the expression get on your feet and fight like a man as in assume a battle-ready position , by standing, with arms and fists ready to defend and strike . What did get on your knees have to do with battle? Friend, we live in dark times, evil is prevalent and our adversary is on the prowl looking to steal, kill and destroy! These attacks are rarely initiated in the physical realm. The Bible tells us that our enemies are not flesh or blood . Then who or what are they? They are spiritual , demonic attacks, flaming arrows designed to attack us right where we are most vulnerable. These attacks might originate in a spiritual place but our response to them can quickly turn into a destructive physical reaction if we re not careful. Our enemy can use unsuspecting people to deliver the knockout punch! Im talking about a discouraging word from a boss, personal rejection from a loved one, a lie or gossip that deeply hurts, etc . Sometimes these attacks can be thoughts that enter in our mind like temptations, fear, worry, jealousy, or anger. Sometimes they can be factual circumstances with second guessing thoughts!No matter what the spiritual attack is...they are all designed to steal , kill and destroy! What does that mean? Lets look at 1 Samuel beginning in the first verse. In this first chapter we read about Elkanah and his two wives, Peninnah and Hannah. Peninnah had children and Hannah did not. We learn that Elkanah gave portions to Peninnah and to all her sons. Then he gave a worthy portion to Hannah as well because he loved her. The text reads that: God had shut up her womb. Then goes on to say that her adversary also provoked her, to make her fret, because she was barren. This went on year after year until Hannah had enough! She wept, didnt eat and her husband Elkanah asked her why is she so upset and weeping? He knew that she was depressed because she wanted to have a son so he tried to comfort her. Friend, she didnt need comforting, she needed to get in battle ready position! Lets look at verse 10 now Hanna was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore! She prayed and vowed a vow , and said, O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me and help me have a boy , then I will give him unto you all his days, etc. ( paraphrased for time) Hannah took her trials, torment, lack and personal attack to her Father in Heaven. The priest Eli thought she was drunk because she was so upset and emotionally stirred up! Of course we know how this ended! Friend lets never forget that Hannah got on her knees and fought! Praise God for her faithfulness to do battle on her knees! As a result she gives birth to Samuel who was the judge of all Israel and amazing prophet! This wonderful account of Hannah should encourage us all who are suffering tonight to take our pain before The Lord! We learn a few things quickly about the character of our Heavenly Father through this first chapter of 1 Samuel. We learn that circumstances might lead us to where we are right now, but God can change our circumstances and lead us to a better place. We also learn that our God is compassionate and hears our hearts cry! Hannah couldnt find the strength to pray out loud but God knew her heart and didnt need to try and read her lips like Eli! Finally, God is faithful and provides exceedingly above our wildest dreams! Tonight will you join me in getting on our knees in the battle ready position to praise and petition Him? Friend we serve an awesome God! Thanks for letting me share, Randy Young
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 06:32:27 +0000

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