Get on your regiment...mental physical n spiritual RBG - TopicsExpress


Get on your regiment...mental physical n spiritual RBG REBUILD AH NATION MOVEMENT R.B.G. 7 POINT PLATFORM FOR FREEDOM 1) KNOW THY SELF: the BLACK MAN and WOMBMAN here in the west and scattered across the globe MUST make the time as well as take the risk of knowing who WE are as AFRICAN people, who WE are NOT as AFRICAN people, and the capabilities of OUR AFRICAN PEOPLE. 2) FAMILY: the BLACK MAN and WOMBMAN must first unite and fight TOGETHER as the divine partners that WE are. The BLACK MAN and WOMBMAN in our union must do EVERYTHING in our power to save our babies from the vices of society. The BLACK FAMILY is one of the GREATEST threats to the system that binds us under their control but yet THE BLACK FAMILY is what will heal our NATION. 3) COMMUNITY: a NATION is nothing more than the union of many families across the land. As one family is heading itself, the next step is for that family to connect with another family and bring them up as well; each one, reaching one, teaching one, block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city, state by state, all the way until the entire country is United AS THE BLACK FAMILY. The BLACK FAMILY must also establish, run and control BLACK BUSINESSES, which in return will establish a BLACK economy; ran by us, funded by us. By keeping the BLACK dollar in the community, we are able to establish our institutions (ie schools, libraries, medical facilites, etc) and resources for our people. 4) POLITICS: the BLACK MAN and WOMBMAN must STOP voting for them and start establishing US. WE must establish our own political party and system, designed by us, governed by us. We must evaluate from those among the community who are knowledgeable and articulate in the POLITCAL arena, and raise them up as our voice for the people. With the revenue gained from BLACK BUSINESSES we are able to fund our parties campaigns, as well as politicians, thus establishing our own state of government. 5) COURTS / POLICE: the BLACK MAN and WOMBMAN deserve the right to a fair trial in the instance of an offense of the law, as well as sense of security and protection instead of the current oppressive occupying forces that fill our living areas. With the revenue gained from BLACK BUSINESSES, we are able to establish our own legislative, executive and judicial systems that work for the people. 6) MEDIA: the BLACK MAN and WOMBMAN of today has the GOD given right to have our story told the right way. With the revenue gained from BLACK BUSINESSES, we are now able to establish our communication systems and media outlets; instead of Facebook WE will have BLACKbook, instead of YouTube WE will have OURtube, etc. We are a global people who need a global voice, and we will never have that voice as long as we are subjugated to another mans system of operation. 7) FAITH IN OUR CREATOR: the BLACK MAN and WOMBMAN must remain faithful to the CREATOR/CREATRESS of us all and NOT religion. From the creation of time, we the AFRICAN PEOPLE of this world have always been a spiritual force and not religious. The forces of oppositions used their religions to throw our people off track from our connection to GOD. By reconnection of our faith to our GOD, not religion, WE are more than able to conquer any and every issue that WE as a people may face. True Faith requires work, we as a people have NO time not to be working towards our advancement to FREEDOM. UHURU WE SEEK, HOTEP TO ALL, BLACK POWER
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 00:58:26 +0000

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