Get out of a training rut by switching it up. I strongly believe - TopicsExpress


Get out of a training rut by switching it up. I strongly believe in keeping the body guessing and thus as a rule of thumb I like to switch up my programs for both myself and clients regularly. Whether you change up your exercises, sets and reps, training volume, advanced techniques or rest periods, there are literally hundreds of ways you can tinker with your training to confuse your body and still stay consistent in your routine. Nothing frustrates and confuses me more than watching people repeat the same thing over and over and over again never making progress- I believe this is the definition of insanity. Remember if nothing changes, nothing changes!!! One way I love to switch things up or finish off a great pump is to sub in unilateral movements for bi-lateral exercises. Ie. Single arm cable curls in place of lat pull downs. Reasons why: *When you use one limb on an exercise, you generate more muscle fiber activity in that muscle than when you perform the same exercise with both arms *aides in muscular imbalances. Symmetry is extremely important in the sport of bodybuilding. Lopsided shoulders or other lagging body parts can throw off the overall look. *injury prevention. When one limb is stronger than the other it can cause unnecessary stress and strain on the opposite side of the body. So, whether you’re on a machine or using dumbbells, try the unilateral version every now and then to stimulate further growth. Some further examples: Single arm rows Single arm reverse grip pull downs Single arm pressdowns Single arm seated cable rows #LiveAJackedLife #chasing2015 #strongisbeautiful
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 02:53:15 +0000

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