Get out your tissues you will need them!! Please take me - TopicsExpress


Get out your tissues you will need them!! Please take me serious for a moment and read this testimony for Nikki Poindexter. People are always asking what is your why. Why do you push, post, and never shut up about Plexus? This my friends is why. Plexus is changing peoples lives. NIKKIS STORY I was the girl who struggled with her weight and health for many years. It wasnt until a year after I had my daughter that my body had changed and my health changed and the weight started creeping on. I started dieting like a fool! Atkins, master cleanse, slim fast, counting calories, the newest pill that came out that promised me that it would make me look like the model on the box. No matter what I did the weight would always find its way back. I went to my yearly lady appointment and I discovered that I had PCOS or poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. My hormones were out of whack which explains my emotional state. Depression and fits of anger and out of nowhere crying spells. Emotional roller coaster. Not a pretty site. It also explained the weight gain, the fatigue, the stomach troubles, including constant nausea. My hair was falling out in handfuls. My skin was patchy. Skin tags were showing up. My favorite part of pcos is the very attractive man hair that made all the boys jealous. I may have looked fine from the outside but inside my body was at war. The doctor prescribed Metformin and birth control to help me regulated my body and help me keep my weight off. My stomach couldnt handle the original dose. The doctor cut it in half, it was a little better and thought maybe I would get use to it. A couple months into it I couldnt handle it. I was sick everyday. I stopped taking it. What was the use of I was only going to be worse. I began my search again for fast weight loss. Fail. I sank deeper into my depression and the pounds made my body a cozy home. I had no energy and all I could think about was going to bed. All I wanted to do was lock my door, turn off my phone and sleep away my days. Within 6 years I had gained well over 100 lbs. I hated life. I hated myself. I hated the mirror. I hated my scale. I didnt know what do do, I couldnt take medication it made me sick. I didnt have the energy to exercise and healthy food wasnt in my vocabulary. One day I told myself Nikki, this is the life you have been given. Learn to deal with it. I had lost me. My smile. My laugh. My friends. I didnt want to be around anyone. Being in public was a nightmare. Going to the grocery store or any store for that matter was a fear. I didnt want people to see me and I sure as heck didnt want to see them. This was who I became. I learned to fake happy around family and the few friends who put up with my new self. (My angels). Thank you for never leaving my side. You know who you are. My smile was fake my laugh was fake. My happiness was fake. I didnt know me. I didnt know this girl in the mirror. I wasnt the girl who always seen the silver lining anymore. Along comes Cheri, she looks amazing! she is glowing! Shes thinner. What is she doing? I watched her for about a month. I had to know what it was because I wanted it! I needed it! Finally the answer.....Plexus Slim. My first thought was Oh Dear Lord not another gimmick. I still wanted it! I ordered. A few days later it arrives in the mail and I was still skeptical. My thought was..this will work for a couple weeks then its back to coffee, cupcakes and my bed. My first week I felt better. My nausea was less and I actually had energy! I also lost 4 INCHES!! My second week..I think this stuff might actually work but dont get my hopes up. By the time my first month was over I felt like me again! I was the girl who I once knew! I was the girl who was always laughing. Always smiling! What is in this Pink Drink! I was addicted! My second month on Plexus my body regulated itself and I had my first period in 18 months! What! Who knows a woman who is excited about her monthly? Me! I am excited about mine because my body is healing! My third month, I had another monthly! My PCOS symptoms are GONE! I am not sick anymore! I still cry when I look in the mirror but its for different reasons. I dont cry because I hate what I see, I cry because for the first time in a long time I love what I see. Here I am coming up on my 4th month on Plexus and I will scream it from the rooftops.... I am 44 inches smaller and 47 lbs lighter. When people see my posts about this drink and I say give it a chance because it will change your life, Im not saying it to sell you a product. I am saying let me sell you life. Plexus has not only helped to to gain my smile, my laugh, my sanity, and my health back. Plexus has given me my life back!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 20:47:40 +0000

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