Get up. Yes, I am talking to you. Do you think it’s okay - TopicsExpress


Get up. Yes, I am talking to you. Do you think it’s okay that you’re just keeping all the struggles in, that it’s okay telling people you are okay when you’re not and then you yearn to become better that you will survive this test? Denying the fact that you have failed won’t bring you to any good. If you failed then Alhamdulillah because Allah Azza Wa Jall is rerouting your way to success, but sadly this is something that Muslims find it hard to accept. O, okay, so someone left you, you were engaged and then engagement got off so you think you earned a label to be a bed leech? Aha, a boyfriend it is, it’s not even halal and you waste your precious tears for someone who can’t even man up and ask for your parents to marry you. Shrug it off girl, get up. You’re beautiful, Allah Azza Wa Jall has someone better for you, so straighten up. And you, o you, you failed your exam, not graduating this year? Maaan, it’s not the end of the world, you have so much ahead of you, is this how you think your family loves you, just a bunch of A+ and A’s and B’s? Whoever told you, your family’s love for you can be converted to grades and marks from school? If you fail this year, that doesn’t mean you’ll fail forever. it just means you need more effort, so get up and stop being stubborn and work it out, but also seek help from Allah Azza Wa Jall, and see how tables turn. in sha Allah. You lost a beloved, yes, you have every right to mourn as you have every right to move on and learn from the life of that beloved of yours. I know, losing a beloved is very hard for I myself have lost my mom Allah yer7ama but we cannot let ourselves live in the past, soon enough we will be like them and leave this world but if we keep on mourning then how would we be on the day of reckoning? Do you think, being just on bed and thinking how much we miss them will do us any other good for both you and your beloved one? No salah, because I’m mourning. Don’t you think if you pray salah and make du’a for them it would help them more and for angels to write this as a good deed for you? This is life. Full of tests. Remember the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum were tested with tests we can only imagine. Physically, because the Quraish were very violent with them, they waged war, prisoners were tortured with such cruelty. Emotionally, when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam passed away. Mentally, when they have went into battles and every single time they had to work on a new tactic to defeat the enemies, winning for Islam and saving the Mujahideen and protecting the Muslims, in all aspects these people were tested. Yes, they have stumbled, but carrying the name of Allah Azza Wa Jall in their hearts, it was impossible for them to keep themselves mourning, how could they when Allah Azza Wa Jall was filling their hearts with such strength, guidance and love? Ask yourself, if such tests like these (as mentioned above) would make you into a bed leech, then how would you expect yourself to be if you were to be tested like the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum? Listen, you are mourning because someone left you or that you are not yet married then let me tell you, there are people who are way older that you, way longing more than you and they are not yet married but they are staying patient, how? Because they have not lost hope in Allah. You have failed an exam or a number exams and you think of suiciding, don’t you think that is just so selfish of you? There are people who can’t even attend a single lecture and wanting so much to learn and yet you, Allah Azza Wa Jall chose you to be there and attend classes yet everytime you cut and bunk your classes, you let Him down? Yet He continues to sustain and guides you, and you, you just failed an exam you want to die? Don’t lose hope in Him for He doesn’t loses His on you. You lost a beloved, it hurts, but you know what hurts more? An orphan, he or she never felt what you have felt, you were blessed, but look at the orphans, they continue to live, because they know and they recognize Allah is with them, and that Allah is their sustainer and provider, it’s not the end, fill your heart with the hope that Allah will reunite you with your beloved ones in Jannah, where life never ends. in sha Allah. _____ See, you have stumbled, that means you are human and in need of Allah Azza Wa Jall, everyone makes their own mistakes but it is only up to them to rise and move on, correct their mistakes and take in the responsibility of the consequences it brings and have brought. Now, you have tasted the struggle, so learn from it, endure the pain with your faith in Allah. Stop now, end the struggle, you can end it yourself by just calling upon your Lord and seeking His Help, set your mind to become better today. Wallahi, you are a Muslim, a believer of Allah, and a Muslim indeed is tested but never fails to stand up again and straighten up his or her life through bettering his or her obligations and duties to Allah, seeking His Help. Rise now, not tomorrow, next month, now, for indeed these trials and tribulations have made you nothing but stronger and wiser. Rise now. You are a Muslim, and with that you carry the name of Allah, and whoever carries that, Allah protects, guides, and blesses him. Alhamdulillah. Rise now, for you will always have Allah. _____ And we pray that Allah Azza Wa Jall makes us realize how much blessed we are and that when tribulations and trials come upon us we are able to call upon Him first and not make Him as the last resort. Ameenn
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 09:59:01 +0000

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