Get ur brain fizzing with energy american researchers coined the - TopicsExpress


Get ur brain fizzing with energy american researchers coined the term NEUROBICS fr tasks whch activate the brains own biochemical pathways online that can help 2 strengthen or preserve brain circuits. Eg:Brush ur teeth with ur other hand,tak a new route 2 wrk or chose ur clths basd on sense of tuch rathr than sight. People with mental agility tend 2 hav lowr rates of ALZHEIMERS DISEASE & age_related mental decline. . . . ALZHEIMERS DISEASE:- Accordng 2 a stdy the annual figure of elderly americans who died frm Alzheimers in 2010 is mny tmes highr than expectd. . . . DESCRIPTION:- Alzhemiers disease-aftr heart disease cancer nd stroke-is the 4th leading cause of death in the unitd states of america and the mst common form of dementia. *The incurable brain disease was named aftr the german physician ALOIS ALZHEIMER,who identifd in 1907. * The disease marked by a progressive degeneratin of brain tissue,primarily affects people over the age of 65. * In such cases it is kntn as LATE ONSET ALZHELMERS DISEASE *It has also been reportd among people in their 50s,60s and-rarely-30s (knwn as E ARLY ONSET ALZHEIMERS DISEASE) * Nearly all people with down syndrome wil develop ths disease if they live in to their 40s. *Eventually,people suffering frm Alzhemiers disease lose the ability 2 thnk,resn nd co-ordinte mvmnt,nd becme incapacitated over the course of 5-8yrs. . . *From the age 60 ones risk fr developng Alzheimers disease or a relatd dementia doubls every 5yrs. * At 60yrs of age the risk is approximtely 1 in a 100,by 65yrs 1 in 50,70yrs 1 in 20 etc. . . . *By 85 nd oldr aproxmtely 2 out of evry 5 peple hav sme form of dementia. CAUSES:- ¤ The causes of alzheimers disease r nt fuly knwn nd scientists continue 2 investigte ths area. . . . ¤ so,far research in to the causes of ths brain disease has found 2 main forms of neural damage or abnormalities that can linkd 2 the disease & its progression. ¤ Genetic studies hav shed new light on possible causes of alzheimers disease,bt these must be researched furthr. ALUMINIUM:- ¤ The controversial stdy of aluminium nd mercury & othr metals in the brains of victins of ths disease. ¤ The suggesting that the ingestion of disease smal particls of 1 of these metals especially, may lead 2 the developmnt of alzheimers disease. ZINC:- ¤ Suggesting a lnk b|w zinc & improvd mentl alertnes in the eldrly led scientists 2 give alzheimers disease patients zinc suppliments in a 1991 study. ¤ How ever aftr 2dys only the patients mentl abilities deteioratd rapidly. SYMPTOMS:- * vary greatly frm persn 2 persn but a few general symptoms can be distinguished. EARLY STAGE:- * The frst 2-4 yrs,symptms are slw & gradual & can be mistakn fr the nrml ageing process. *changes in their nrml behaviour & personality can be noted. * They r no longer able 2 perfrm routine tasks. * Early signs of memry loss characterize the period nd may include forgetng names or events LATER STAGE:- * In ths stge suddenly los ther inhibitns,no longer be able 2 solve simpl prblms,not knwng what mnth or year. * They can no longer cntrl their anger,frustration or inapropriate behavir etc. . . FINAL STAGE:- * severe impairmnt of intellectual abilities r typicl of the finl stage of the disease. * physicl functng deteriorates nd sufferers becme incotinent(unable 2 cntrl bowel nd bladder functn) * In the final stage they becme incapable of lokng aftr themslves nd becme bedridden or wheel chair bound. *They are oftn nt able 2 feed selves & hav 2 be fed. *Death is usualy the result of pneumonia or anthr illness that occurs when health has deterioratd severely. PREVALENCE:- It is clsely linkd 2 age & dramaticaly increses with age. ¤ 10% of all persns older than 65yrs hav alzheimers disease and 50% of those oldr than 85yrs. COURSE:- ¤ The avg duratn of the illness is 6-8yrs,but it can run its course in jst a few mnths or tak as long as 20yrs. RISK FACTORS:- ¤ Increasing age is main risk factr. ¤ othr factr include a famly history of dementia & previous head trauma. TREATMENT:- * There is no cure. * medicines imprve memry nd slow the progresion of the disease in the early stages. * The goal of treatmnt is to manage the symptms as far as posble. MEDICATION:- ANTI DEPRESSANTS,ANTIANXIETY,MOOD STABILIZING AND OTHER MEDICATION,ANTI PSYCHOTICS Can be prescribed. ARICEPT(DONEZIL HYDROCHLORIDE), EXELON(RIVASTIGMINE), REMINYL(GALANTHAMINE) wrk by slowing the brekdwn of acetylcholine etc. . .
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 07:42:07 +0000

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