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Get your FREE Sacred Space + Crystals eKit when you sign up for my newsletter. Get yours now!CloseOpenHOMECRYSTAL HEALER COURSESHOPABOUTRESOURCESCONTACT & FAQNameEmail Does Crystal Healing Go Against Your Religion? by HIBISCUS MOON on JUNE 5, 2012 · 44 COMMENTSI am often asked what religion I am.OR if using crystals is “evil” or “goes against the bible”.That last bit ASTOUNDS me.With the Crystal Healer Certification Program getting ready to open up for enrollment again on June 14, I wanted to address this topic. I’m taking a risk here again. I usually don’t like to discuss religion or politics but I feel that in this case…it needs to be addressed. I am not looking to start a firestorm here at all but just state my opinion. It doesn’t mean that my opinion is the best one, its just mine, that’s all.By writing this, I’ll also have a post to refer peeps to next time I get asked this question. PLEASE NOTE: Flaming will not be tolerated here. This is a negativity-free zone. (Although I enjoy a healthy & mature debate be forewarned that any nasty, negative or demeaning comments here on MY BLOG will be promptly deleted so don’t waste your energy…go post it on your own blog.)As for a religion, I have no desire to follow a religion. Too many rules & I don’t like labels. I like to have the freedom to change my mind as I explore various philosophies or energies. I used to refer to myself as an “Earth-based spiritualist”, but I no longer want to limit myself to Mother Earth, as much as I love it here! So that doesn’t fit anymore.I’ve also decided to try not to use the word “believe” b/c I feel that implies some type of “buy-in” & I want to allow myself to be free to do & feel what I like at any particular time. I have the right to change my mind & so do you…if you want to exercise that right.My uncle recently summed up what I currently am doing when I heard him utter this phrase a few weeks ago (sort of making fun of it, but my heart skipped when I heard it!): “SMORGASBORD OF FAITH: THE ALL YOU CAN BELIEVE BUFFET”. I love that! Genius.YES! Whatever makes sense & intuitively resonates with me + FEELS right to me is what I explore & try on for size these days.I also don’t just hang out with those who believe what I “believe”. I don’t judge or discriminate. I’ll hang with whomever lights me up & who I vibe with! That could be a priest, rabi, witch, nun, new age guru, shaman or atheist. As long as the goal is to make the world a better place, deliver joy & eliminate harm whenever possible, then its all good with me. I LOVE HAVING THAT CHOICE!! How Crystals Relate to Religion I feel that crystals & crystal healing can be incorporated into your life no matter what religion you follow…or don’t follow. Beautiful + scrumptious crystals and stones have been a part of many religions for thousands of years. They’ve been used in various rituals, traditions, altars, tools, laying on of hands, carried around & used as medicine as far back as history has been recorded.What really floors me is when some who consider the Bible a most influential book also claim crystals are EVIL. YET the Bible itself, one of the oldest books known to man, has over 200 references to uses of crystals & stones. The purposes mentioned run the gamut from representing tribes to protection to healing.There’s also reference to crystals & gems in many Eastern Religions going as far back as 6000 years. Chinese, Egyptian, Ayurveda, Aborigine, Native American, Polynesian cultures & traditions among many others all made extensive use of stones. In addition, these practices have been essentially unchanged all this time. When something stays unchanged for so long, that means its essentially been perfected…even Mother Nature subscribes to this. Sharks haven’t evolved much b/c they don’t need to. Their design is pretty darn good as is!I’ve noticed: in nature, when a design or program is successful, it changes very little, if at all.So, in a nutshell, people all over the world of all backgrounds, traditions, cultures & religions can, have & continue to use crystals as they always have.Its all good when you follow your own deep intuition & heart. You know what’s right for you & your path. Don’t you, Sweet Pea?So what feels right to you Jelly Bean? Please feel free to comment below. You might also like: 2013 Dreams, Crystals & Winter CelebrationJuly Crystal TreasuresCrystals for Spring (or Autumn) EquinoxCrystals for Grounding – Smokey Quartz,… 2195 22 12 3385 30 { 42 comments… read them below or add one }Noel Sales Barcelona June 5, 2012 at 11:18 amPeople tend to criticize or demonize the things that they cannot explain. The Urim and Thummim of the old desert religion of the present day Jews, are actually crystals. Through its light, they know what their God, YHWH, wants to say.Besides, there a scientific basis on the use of crystals as a mode of healing (which I would refrain to discuss here for it would eat up most of the space, ha-ha-ha-ha!).Furthermore, God had created the crystals, why not use them to glorify Him (or Her) by healing and helping other people?REPLYMike Arnold June 5, 2012 at 11:35 amExactly Noel. Gd put these gifts here for a piurpose. Crystals, herbs, and what not.REPLYLisa Lang March 1, 2013 at 9:20 amI also feel the same as you Noel. God gave us these wonderful gifts!!REPLYLisa June 5, 2012 at 11:57 amAs a Christian, I have decided to let Hildegard of Bingen, a very fiesty Medieval nun, be my muse. She is one of the only people within the Christian tradition that I have found to embrace the use of crystals for healing purposes. She did everything that that so many modern “Christians” say is evil- she challenged male leadership within the church, used herbs and crystals for healing, and she read, and wrote books and music, things very rare for women in her time to do. She also lived into her 80s, something nearly unheard of in Medieval times. REPLYJoan January 30, 2013 at 4:08 pmLove her too Lisa….. thank you for reminding me of all her accomplishments.REPLYJo June 5, 2013 at 2:35 pmWow! I am so thrilled to know that others are familiar with Hildegard of Bingen. She is my muse also, not only for crystals but for aromatherapy. You’d be surprised at some of the Episcopal priests (women) that I know who are into aromatherapy and crystals and they keep it a secret. I know because when I tell them of my love of aromatherapy and crystals/stones, they “spill the beans” about their use.REPLYCheri de Borba June 5, 2012 at 12:03 pmI am right there with you Hibiscus Moon, I too have “no religion.” I study all and respect all. As for crystals being against any religion that just sounds so absurd! Lots of people seem to let fear guide their “beliefs” instead of trying something new to them..REPLYHibiscus Moon June 7, 2012 at 7:01 pmI heard this quote today, “Salvation sells”.REPLYLorraine Stanhope September 23, 2013 at 6:27 amThis has come at not better time. I have started to shy away from the crystals as I, too,was starting to be consumed with doubt and fear of God being very angry at what I was doing.Sounds lame I know it, but that’s how I feel.REPLYLynda June 5, 2012 at 12:33 pmYour answer is spot on. Your views are EXACTLY why I have chosen to participate in your knowledge; I take some ideas, leave some. However, it all ends in LOVE and the bliss living we are striving to achieve. Namaste!REPLYHibiscus Moon June 7, 2012 at 7:02 pmTY for sharing that Lynda.REPLYLorraine Stanhope August 22, 2013 at 8:28 pmWhat a beautiful entry. I am totally new to this and inexperienced. Religion has always fouled me up.I tried to many religions to get it right with God. Only ending up confused and insecure of God’s love for me. Who is God, what is He or She like? Question after question but never having a definitive answer.Is my maker an evil old man? That always comes down to the bottom line.I am hoping that this might be the answer in what I’m so eagerly waiting for.REPLYSandra Sicolo June 5, 2012 at 2:59 pmIt funny how even though we are family I never would have immagined that you were into this kind of “Stuff”!!!!!You probably did not think that I would be a Reiki Master! I am so happy that we have so much in common and ,yes, religion is politics. Being spiritual has nothing to do with rules and regulations dictated by men! I have a direct connection with God and he is not out there! Be inspired! because when you are inspired you are “in spirit” I will connect with you when I get back from Italy. Many things to talk about! You are doing a wonderful job! Love what you are doing with chrystals!REPLYHibiscus Moon June 7, 2012 at 7:04 pmNo, I wouldn’t have figured you a Reiki Master Zia Sandra! But its so great that you’re doing that. Buon viaggio!!REPLYVicky Cormier June 5, 2012 at 3:37 pmI totally agree with you. I was born Catholic but have studied in the Spiritualist Community for a few years. I am on a journey and loving every minute of it. I am no affiliation, just searching and anticipating what comes next. Crystals have been a big part of my life for quite some time, and I love them so much. There is nothing evil about crystals, only your intentions and actions can harm people. I find that I am calmer and happier when there are beautiful crystals around me.REPLYHibiscus Moon June 7, 2012 at 7:05 pmExcellent points Vicky!REPLYLorraine Stanhope September 23, 2013 at 6:29 amVicky, that’s where I’m coming from. There’s fear of this ‘strange’ new old practice.Religion has made me fear everything.REPLYNicole June 6, 2012 at 4:40 pmHibiscus, you really inspired me here. I’ve been trying to find a path that feels right to me but I’ve been doing it the whole time, without realising it. I don’t need to ‘follow’ anything specific. Thanks for this. It’s like being told something you already knew, just didn’t ‘know you knew’!!REPLYHibiscus Moon June 7, 2012 at 7:06 pmSo happy this could help inspire you Nicole. Yes, just follow your inner guide. It always knows. REPLYVikki Amiss November 1, 2012 at 8:21 amBrilliant – I had a lady walk into my shop the other week asking if she was “allowed” to use crystals because of her religion!!! Isn’t that just awful??REPLYHibiscus Moon November 1, 2012 at 10:33 amOh yeah. Peeps ask me that all the time. We can’t tell anyone what to do. You have to FEEL within yourself. Is it right for you?REPLYLorraine Stanhope September 23, 2013 at 6:30 amI also have that fear. Religion has made me a prisoner.REPLYSusan S. November 1, 2012 at 2:59 pmHi Hibiscus! First off, just wanted to let you know that one of your wonderful certified crystal healers (Kelly St. Claire) recently instructed me in how to create and use a crystal grid for my certain purpose. And with life’s proverbial doo doo hitting the fan recently, I am seeing that the grid worked! It shifted and moved out a lot of my old fears.That said, from the time I was a little girl sitting in church (protestant church), as we were saying some prayers, I would completely and totally disagree with the words that were coming out of my mouth. And after having learned about how the Bible was put together (the politics of what was included and what was left out), I realize that much of it is just not for me. I respect religions and try to be tolerant of others’ beliefs that are different from mine. But more and more, the realization that being able to tap into the divine realm for myself, and connect directly to God, is what suits me best.To answer your question of does crystal healing go against my religion? I don’t have a religion for it to go against. I see crystal healing as one of several modalities to move energy; and it is a very valid modality. It works for me!REPLYHibiscus Moon November 3, 2012 at 4:01 pmLove Kelly!♥ Hmmm, your story sounds familiar. TY so much for sharing that.REPLYGary Beasley December 2, 2012 at 5:29 pminterested, although struggling to pay bills at the mo REPLYJoan January 30, 2013 at 4:12 pmHow very sad…. Very exhausted by the folks who tell me crystals, essential oils and healing energy are evil or do nothing. Ummmm….my response is, Why would “God” give us all these wonderful tools to help ourselves if, A. they are evil & B. they didn’t work. ?REPLYPaul Dombeck January 31, 2013 at 5:35 amI have been picking up rocks, stones, and later crystals, for ages. They were pretty, different from the rest where I found them, but mostly because they FELT different, and pleasing to me.They are natural, tho they can be altered by man made means in some cases. They can be found nearly anywhere, if you know where to look.After what Mary and I recently went thru, I REFUSE to believe that crystals do not heal, or assist in healing. Mike knows what we went thru and what I put together for Mary when she was in the hospital. That entire bundle is still together in the box that I gave them to her in and stays on the headboard of our bed near her head. She tells me that occasionally, if she’s having trouble sleeping, she’ll take a stone from the box blindly, and normally, when she sleeps holding whatever stone she grabbed, she sleeps better. As a matter of fact, she got a piece of Blue Kyanite a while back, and used to call it her ‘Sleep Stone’, as most nights for a while, she held it while sleeping to keep bad vibes and bad dreams from coming to her. She hasn’t needed it for a while, but it’s still here.Also now, just to play ‘Devil’s Advocate’ in a way, what if they do nothing, and it’s all in a person’s head that they help? Do they hurt? In my experience, most emphatically NO! If someone wants to spent a couple bucks (Sometimes literally) to have a stone that makes them feel better, I say go ahead! More power to them!REPLYTeri March 29, 2013 at 3:38 pmYou’re uncle hot the nail on the head!!!! REPLYPat April 29, 2013 at 5:49 pmSince working with crystals I finally feel comfortable with who and where I am. God gave us nature~God gave us crystals~God gave us everything~PeaceREPLYFran July 23, 2013 at 1:45 pmHi Beautiful People,I am an ordained Episcopal deacon, AND a massage therapist. I think I need an open mind to be both. To discredit something that has been around for thousands of years is just narrow minded. All things are possible! (and that’s even in the Bible!) LOLREPLYCrystal Bro September 22, 2013 at 8:29 pmHi Hibiscus Moon!I just saw your post on Facebook. Because of my living situation and what I know the reactions to my more eclectic spirituality as a Christian, I am a closet fan lol. I don’t put feedback on the posts but I definitely send love energy and appreciation. I actually had been doing a lot of research and ended up on Judy Hall’s page with PDF resources. She had a very in-depth paper entitled “Are Crystals Ungodly?”.It was extremely illuminating, and it has me as a Christian digging more deeply into the bible because there is so much about what are dubbed “taboo spiritual practices” which many who were honoured and led by God are actually instructed to do!(E.g. There were two stones the high priest used to scry with to get an answer from God)Just wanted to share it with you richly bless you and keep on shining your light for all to see. We all are blessed by you and appreciate you so much!REPLYTerri September 22, 2013 at 9:19 pmBeautifully said REPLYTrudy September 23, 2013 at 6:44 amNo gods for me thank you. I’ve learned to believe in myself. I am a preachers daughter and learned early what a mishmash religion was long ago and that it wasn’t for me. Crystal healing remains free of religion, something I can relate to. Keep up the good work HM and many crystals blessings to you for what you do.REPLYMaryO February 18, 2014 at 7:08 pmThank you so much. I just started discovering true peace and joy through stones and crystals and needed someone to help me see that Christians can enjoy activating, cleansing and sharing their amazing power. I don’t believe these rituals go against my religion. I believe they have increased my spirituality. Thank you, thank you, thank you.REPLYKaren Belanger February 21, 2014 at 10:36 amIn Buddhism, the seven jewels of the Treasure Tower include: agate, gold, lapis lazuli, pearl, coral, silver, and carnelian. I use small stones that resonate with each chakra in my Reiki practice. If your intention is pure, the potential for healing is always there. Regardless of what you believe, there is only Love.REPLYLeave a CommentName *E-mail *WebsitePREVIOUS POST: New Crystal Grid Cloths ~ Better For AllNEXT POST: The Crystal Healer Interviews – Allie Phillips Follow Me! 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Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 22:08:32 +0000

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