Getting Prayers Answered (Sabbath 15 November 2013) How do you - TopicsExpress


Getting Prayers Answered (Sabbath 15 November 2013) How do you get your prayer answered? Can one just go before YaHWeH and pray asking for anything and He should just give it, as it is written Ask, ask and you shall be given?(Matthew 7:7) Why do so many people who then ask are not getting what they ask for, especialy when it is written in the Book of James: You fight and you strive, and you have nothing, because you do not ask? Paul went on and said•••{ 6 Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and by petition with thanksgivings, let your requests be made known to Elohim:-) Philippians 4:6HRB}•••Yet we ask we make our requests made known to YaHWeH but still no show. James explains why we do not get what we ask for because he said•••{3 You ask, and do not receive, because you do not ask sincerely, you ask in order that you may satisfy your lusts:-) James 4:3HRB}••• Oh! Here James is now explaining the reason why our prayers are not answered. Change him for me yet you are not prepared to change youself. Let a rich man marry me so that he can do this or that for me What about you marrying a poor man so that you do this and that for him? I want a big house so that they know that I have arrived (feeding the spirit of pride) Is this not asking with selfish intentions. So asking with selfish intentions disqualifies us, did you know? Now YaHShua told us a sure was of getting our prayers answered is that we remain in him and His Words remain in us then , whatever we desire we will ask, and it shall happen to us.(John 15:7) The key word is ramaining in Him. How do we remain in Yahshua? We can remain in him through his love as YaHWeH is love and He loved Yahshua and Yahshua loved us and died on the torture stick for our sins. So we need to continue with that love for others. That love can only be displayed by following the only two commandments that supperceeded all the other commandments which is Unconditional love for Yahweh our Elohim and Unconditional love for our fellow man as we do for ourselves.•••{12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I loved you:-)John 15:12HRB}•••So my brethren in future,in order to be sure of your prayer being answered, ask in love and in consideration of others. Do your request in consideration for others or it is in consideration of the unholy trinity Me, Myself and I. Think about it before you make any prayer petitioning to YaHWeH. Shalom Pastor Washington Kingdom Principles Ministry Of YaHWeH.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 02:50:36 +0000

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