Getting What We Give... Dont answer a fool according to his - TopicsExpress


Getting What We Give... Dont answer a fool according to his foolishness, or youll be like him yourself. Proverbs 26:4, HCSB Karl Menninger says: I know from clinical experience that in some women, the degree of discomfort both in pregnancy and parturition (childbirth) has been directly proportional to the intensity of their resentment at having to live through this phase of the female role. Sometimes resentments and grudges can be unconscious. As one doctor put it: It is very difficult to get people to see that illness is the price they pay for their unconscious resentments toward the very things they protest they love. A woman of sixty-five gave her heart to Christ and said: Ive lived with a stone in my heart ever since my mother said she hated me for stopping her from going to another man. Now this stone has gone. I m free - for the first time in almost half a century. A man gave a golf ball the name of someone he disliked and struck it, but the ball went into the rough. Isnt that instructive? If you bear a grudge against anyone, you can neither see straight nor drive straight. The fact is this - you cannot hurt another person without hurting yourself. As the Chinese put it: He who spits against the wind spits in his own face.We become the product of the qualities we give out. If we give out evil in return for good, then we become evil; we become the thing we give out. But if we give out good for evil, we become good. So mark this and mark it well - you cannot maintain spiritual freshness while you are bearing a grudge. Daily Prayer Heavenly Father, I see that I cannot be an echo of the treatment people give to me. I must echo You and treat people as You treat them. But I cannot do this except by Your grace. I receive that grace now. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. - This devotional is courtesy of Every Day with Jesus.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 08:03:02 +0000

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