Getting mightily frustrated with Finleys school and he has only - TopicsExpress


Getting mightily frustrated with Finleys school and he has only been back two weeks. He mainstreams and gets no help because the school refused to support an application for a statement saying they will cope. We try and keep a home school book and numerous times I have asked for more information and not got it. I asked about what he was having at dinner, how much he is eating, whether he sat still or ate anything and all I get is there lunch menu. Literally what he was given or available for the snack. Now I believe that they reason they can answer the questions is because they dont know as no one is watching him. It was brought up that someone should always be near him at mealtimes as he has a history of choking and aspiration, this is in his healthcare plan. Also if someone was watching why wouldnt they say he didnt eat anything rather than trying to make out he has eaten a full dinner. They also ignore the questions about whether he was tired, or coughing through the day or complaining of tummy pain. Again its because no one pays any additional attention to him unless his feeding pump alarms and then the nearest staff member sees to it. I asked about what activities he was doing in the day, trying to see if we see a correlation between what he has done and how he is when home. With muscle fatigue or pain but I got a standard fob off of he plays with activities set out and you can check his file for more information. Now if they were keeping this extra eye on him like they are supposed to then they would know what he was doing and who with. It sucks having no support, school have a habit of ringing the school liaison nurse person with any thing about us but this nurse doesnt really know us either and it is driving me mad. Im getting to the point that I will be applying for the new style statements myself even without support. Its not fair on any of is but leaves Finley at risk.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 20:11:49 +0000

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