Getting on the path to wellness takes time. In spite of books that - TopicsExpress


Getting on the path to wellness takes time. In spite of books that I have read where the author or someone in the book marvels at how they took something and immediately had a positive response and that may be you, but I have never experienced anything like that. This is not real life. I have tried and stopped using so many products because after 6 months I didnt notice any difference. I did though as you will read have a quick AHA moment in reagrds to my Purium Health products. I have been your test guinea pig and narrowed my choices down to a select few that really do work and here they are. 9 Products I endorse and use: Since becoming a Health Coach I have had the opportunity to try many lines of products and have settled on some brands that I use and love. If you are going to take supplements and for some things like Magnesium, Vitamin D3, and sulphur you have to supplement because of what we have done to our soil and how our bodies loaded with toxins are reacting to the sun. Probiotics, greens, food grade quality supplements, digestive enzymes and total body resets are available from Purium Health. You can check out their organic, no filler line of quality supplements at mypuriumstore/lorilamb Just a one time charge of $29.95 gets you a 20% discount on every order. To me the true test of a quality product is to stop using it and see what you notice and for me when I stopped using the Purium probiotic, the digestive enzymes and spirulina I noticed a return to a bloated stomach and stomach distress from foods that hadnt bothered me. I resumed my schedule and started feeling better in days and I knew it worked. For healthy hair, I recommend Morrocco Method morroccoaffiliate/aff.php?id=806 You can download their catalog here: morroccoaffiliate/media/pdf/brochure-catalog08_v8.pdf I am as serious about what I put on my hair and body as I am about what goes in my mouth. Our skin is the largest organ on our body and takes in everything we put on it. We need to keep it those products as clean as possible. I am also a big believer in feeding the brain with positive affirmations and love subliminal CD’s from Inner Talk. I am an affiliate for Inner Talk and would ask that you please purchase any CD’s through my link. Or, you can order directly through me and get a 20% discount. I use them daily and even have my grandkids listen to them. shrsl/?%7E58pu I haven’t used fluoridated tooth products or regular toothpaste in the last 3 years since I learned about the dangers of fluoride in the body. I use OraWellness essential oils exclusively and love their products. I am also an affiliate for their products, so if you are going to order please do so through my link. orawellness/index.php?aff_id=51 I absolutely cant say enough about homeopathic remedies and Young Living Essential Oils. I haven’t used any medications over the counter or prescription for aches and pains of any kind except for both of these powerhouses in over 3 years. I use them for my family and my grand children. You can buy products directly from my website or sign up to be a wholesale buyer which is how I started. I buy my homeopathic remedies from 1800homeopathy and my Young Living wesbsite is I use both of these equally. For skin care I use meandthegirls , annemariegianni and 100percentpure I am not an affiliate for these companies, I just love their products. I am very open minded and am always willing to look at clean, healthy, Non GMO, non soy, non gluten, organic products and will be more than happy to look at other recommended sites. They have to pass the I dont have time to read all the labels for each product test so keep that in mind if you message me with something you use or like. I am very very picky and no longer believe everything in moderation. If we keep buying the garbage that they are selling us we are contributing to the deceit instead of being part of the solution. We simply cant have it both ways and that is a decision that you have to make as a consumer and I understand that some of you cant or wont entertain that idea but it is the reality. Trust me, I know personally how hard it was for me and my husband, I faced a lot of resistance at first but once we started feeling better we knew there was something to all of this. I think we can make a difference and the biggest difference is in how you will feel if you make a conscious decision to get rid of the garbage food. This is when life will truly change for you and you will get it! Then you will understand why this is so important for our kids and grandkids. The future we are leaving for them is not very hopeful and they deserve better. We deserve better.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 00:07:46 +0000

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