Getting things rightly done: Next - TopicsExpress


Getting things rightly done: Next year’s budget proposals and presentations are here again. The big question is: will the principals of this project allocate the 26% UNESCO recommended minimum to the educational sector or at least raise the bar from the current 8.5% national level of allocation? Or will the education ministry be split into ministries of tertiary education and basic education as recommended by the 2012 Needs assessment of Nigerian Universities report for efficiency? Education truly counts. Now is the time to give to education what is due to it as minimally required of all responsible governments globally. Getting it rightly done this time around is a moral obligation. Education must be allocated the UNESCO minimum in the budget. For there is no need to neglect the sector and expect the unions to go on strike before meeting its needs or attempting to do so. Stakeholders in education are human beings and would appreciate good deeds done to it through proper funding, infrastructure and welfare issues. For instance, there is need for agreements or promises to be implemented when and as at when due for the smooth running of the sector and government in general .Naturally, the morale of staff will be greatly boosted if there emoluments are weighed against economic indices and raised to enable them meet their needs against inflationary forces from time to time without necessarily waiting for agitations to take place. Believably, this applies to all sectors and is supported by diverse theories of human motivation to excel. Notably, Nobel prizes in core academic disciplines like chemistry, physics, economics, medicine and physiology are like an exclusive preserve for countries that invest heavily in their human resources through education. This investment in human resources we hear is the practise in other climes where they have a living or sustainable wage for their workers. However, if wishes were horses, the Nigeria of the dream of many of us would be cast in this mould. Getting it rightly done for the benefit of all is what many Nigerians pray for. This reminds me about my days in a private school where the business thrived on the efficiency of the staff, and which I believe was sufficiently motivated within the financial strength of the owners as we were comparatively among the highest paid among our peers. Although this did not automatically make us rich, we were able to meet some basic needs and returned service for the ‘’good or handsome money’’ paid to us. Now the agricultural sector also wants 10% of the budget and this is serious because we all need food to survive and to especially support local production and be able to feed ourselves as a nation and to have control over our food security. Again, now is the time to get it rightly done by making the inclusion to reflect as such, as that due to education. The other day, I was surprised to hear that FRSC had insisted that the old number plates were analogue and the preferred new one was digital. By whatever logic, one wonders what sort of computer would reject an input of those numbers whether reversed or non-reversed, if not to simply exploit hapless Nigerians. Like one of our professors would say, for a computer it is what you put in that it will return to you, and so the saying goes: garbage in, garbage out. All that needed to be done was to capture the old number plates in a new database at little or no cost at all! Just getting it rightly done is the answer. Nigerians nay motorists need not be harangued into such unpopular policies. If it were in other climes, this commission owes the citizenry an apology over this policy. In contrast, while at a zebra crossing in Europe as the first arrival, I was surprised that the driver of the oncoming vehicle to the point where I stood stopped for me and waved me on to cross the road, obviously because I got there before him. While being initially scared to cross given the way some of our road users here treat pedestrians with scorn, I braved the odds and crossed thanking him in return. One wonders how many of us Nigerians are willing to treat others with dignity. I think it all has to do with getting things rightly done. While not alluding to self-righteousness, it is time we get things rightly done for the benefit of all. There is no need for agitations to be made before agreements and promises are met or for salaries to be increased for workers. Caring employers always have feelers to know when an agitation is most likely in order to respond positively to such aspirations and yearnings. There is even no need to allow ASUU or other unions to go on strike before the desired attention is given to those sectors. At least even in this country, there are some categories of workers who don’t go on strike, yet they are well-catered for. By different news accounts, Benue and Ondo have both claimed they were the first to implement 27.5 teachers salary increment which leaves one wondering whether it is getting their first or doing it rightly to the satisfaction of the agitating teachers to sufficiently motivate them. In addition, what must be done to protect unarmed people along the Benue-Nasarawa border from armed marauders? Should these people be allowed to carry arms in self-defence? Will these increase the chances of them being killed by their attackers? Should the Benue Government set up a committee to look into these attacks usually aimed at Tiv farmers or remain silent and pretend that the attacks will go down? Should the Benue government facilitate arms license for vulnerable communities? Should the Benue government apply the principle of licensed arms acquisition as in Zamfara State to keep the terrorists at bay? What should be done rightly to right the wrongs done to these vulnerable Tiv communities? In conclusion, everything should be done rightly to motivate and make all happy in this country.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 18:10:35 +0000

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