Getting up and brushing down his dark grey suit-trousers, Dr - TopicsExpress


Getting up and brushing down his dark grey suit-trousers, Dr Shepherd saw on the table the screen on his phone light up, while the handset vibrated twice, telling him an SMS had been received. He re-fastened the top button on his shirt (he had undone it while relaxing and now wanted to ensure that he looked like a spinal surgeon and consultant, for he didnt know Dr Granger that well and had to assume she expected as much--if she turned out in shorts and sandals, very well, he would probably remove his tie altogether at the nearest opportunity, but until then it was best to remain impeccable) and re-tightened his dark-grey tie. The message, he found as he checked his cellphone, was from the other doctor and stated that she was on her way to him. He picked up his tan travel satchel, pocketed his phone and left the cafe and his uneaten Danish in order to meet the young lady. I thought the same about you, he smiled when the pair came together and she spoke briefly, offering his right hand to her. Shall we? He motioned with his left towards their gate and followed, satisfied, as she led the way to the plane. Although the flight hadnt yet been called over the PA system, it was acceptable to queue early and often the boarding staff allowed you to board in advance, knowing the rush that was on the way once the call /was/ put out, and happy to lessen its severity slightly by ushering in the more conscientious passengers as they arrived. Both individuals as they walked were surely curious about the other, and about how the following week might go for them. Hawaii was a beautiful location, first and foremost, no doubt about it, and the chances of spending time together seeing the sights, taking photographs (one of Jacks amateur interests) and so on, were good, for, he imagined, there was unlikely to be a single location in Hawaii that wasnt festooned with natural wonder, landscapes and seascapes, as well of course as the indigenous population who were among the most recognisably different on the planet, often gifted with natural, Eastern-looking beauty, and an earthly energy almost unrivalled in all other States, and therefore the trip was ideal for two strangers who otherwise might never have spoken more than two sentences to the other. That, thought Jack, would have been unfortunate. In addition, one night while surfing the web, Jack had discovered a number of notable things about the islands, such as the amazingly clear seas--purified by nearby volcanic bodies--and the remarkable oceanic life that filled them; another of Jacks amateur pursuits was snorkelling, so anything regarding diving activities immediately struck him as noteworthy. Hawaiian /cuisine/ was also of interest to the food-loving doctor, a man eager to sample new flavours whenever possible and try new dishes from all over the world (his favourite being the fresh-made sushi he had once enjoyed in Okinawa while on shore-leave during his youthful military service), so much so that it was one of the things he looked forward to most about the trip. (Not that he would ever confess to such. Unless Jack had warmed to you, and you to Jack, he was a man happy to maintain a quietly professional demeanour. That he was often led by his stomach would, for the time being at least, remain his secret.) The potential, then, was enormous, for a rich and satisfying break away from the hubbub of Los Angeles. Boarding the plane was uneventful. There were no bomb threats or terrorist warnings, no crazy gunmen or sudden tornadoes, and as Jack and Hermione handed over their boarding passes and made their way to their seats, Jack felt quite content that the entire week away would be relaxing, educational, and, above all, relaxing, as there would doubtless be a considerable change of pace from the usual go-go-go of life in a city hospital. He hoped to enjoy it. Doctor Granger seemed quite pleasant, which meant that spending time with her wouldnt be a chore. She was actually quite sweet, or seemed so, appearing down-to-earth as well as friendly in nature, not brash, not haughty like some were in the medical profession. She might just as easily have been in commerce, he supposed, or Hollywood perhaps, though he was certain some might say the same about him. Overall, however, he looked forward to knowing his respected colleague a little better and, you never know, maybe make a new friend in the process. Jacks only friend--that is, the only individual he spoke to daily outside of St Sebastians--was Harry, the cat that had wandered into his apartment one hot summer and never left. In all honesty, their conversations rarely went beyond Jacks Hey, fella and Harrys charming meow in return, so didnt count for much in the big scheme of things. He played squash on occasion with Indian Pat, losing more often than not to the older, more skilled combatant, and he had been on a couple of dates as well, but from which nothing ever came. So, if Dr Granger and he got along, maybe there was room there when they got back home, to go bowling or something, catch a movie or a ball game. If she was a /he/ then he would feel the same; sometimes, those without a lot of time for socialising had to rely on fate to send people their way. Maybe this was one of those times? Let me do that? he asked Hermione, having placed his own carry-on bag in the overhead compartment, and offering to do the same with hers. Once everything was safely stowed and the pair were eventually seated, Jack fastened his safety belt and sat back, sighing and smiling softly, quite glad actually of the feeling of being aboard and, more or less, in the air. He looked to the left, to where Hermione had the window seat, and said, Youre not American by birth, are you? He had of course noticed her accent which, to him at least, sounded English. Australian, right?
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 22:26:08 +0000

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