Ghanaian politicians are a bunch of jackass and so worrying going - TopicsExpress


Ghanaian politicians are a bunch of jackass and so worrying going from door to door telling people to vote for them. It is so disturbing listening to them shamelessly telling tax payers who need electricity and water for their basic needs that there isnt enough water at the dam at Akosombo and broken pipe lines so electricity supply will flow intermittently. The question is, are these people so prosaic that they cant make provision for a possible future happening and who should blame any tax payer for their alacrity on these politicians who are so bingeing on these poor tax payers ever non stop output. I feel very sick in the tummy reading how this good for nothing politicians get everything which these poor workers work for, for free and those who work for them are denied every bit of it and they call that democracy, as stupid as it may sound, I think a military take over is long overdue. I have always had a problem with this 50%+1 victory in election and those who elected for that know why that was their choice, wouldnt it have been fairer if with a majority win, opposition could if join together could defeat a ruling government, then that ruling government is dislodged? simpler and better to save a bad economy from going worse. Because all systems are broken down, everybody does what he likes and nobody says or can say anything. things must be changed because if a ruling government can be defeated, it will certainly be on its guard. Workers dont get pay for months. Workers didnt experience this pain during the worst ever military governments in the country so will people be better now or with a military junta. Employers cause employees death but the security agents dont act which epitomizes popular thoughts that such employers bribe their way through. I remember when Melcons building collapsed killing a lot of people around Christmas in 2012, nothing was enforced to make such employers answerable to the deaths of those workers and shoppers who lost their lives and a year later no visit from these employers who were without shame seen in restaurants enjoying themselves whiles those who worked for them to get money for such enjoyment and died with their families in such pain had no respect to pay homage to those families and to pay respect to the dead who worked for them to be able to enjoy, This could never happen in any country in the western world. Ghana wake up and treat Ghanaians with absolute respect, right now the reported death of three gentlemen who are dead by falling into toilet and those white employers refusing to have these dying men be hurriedly taken to the hospital will go scot free and is this a country to live in in ones own country? God have mercy on some of your children who are neglected by their own governments. Hmmm blackman is indeed capable of managing his own affairs
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 13:32:19 +0000

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