Ghost Hunters: Flickering Flashlight September 02, 2009 08:36 - TopicsExpress


Ghost Hunters: Flickering Flashlight September 02, 2009 08:36 PM by Ryan Haidet ghost-hunters-investigate-syfy The TAPS team tackled two more spooky places in their ongoing search to prove ghosts exist on SyFy‘s Ghost Hunters. First up was the Thornbury Farm in Pennsylvania, which was built in 1709. The property is tied to history with the Revolutionary War. One of the rooms was used for surgery on soldiers hurt in battle. Other reports indicate the sounds of a young girl named Katie crying in the home along with a prankster spirit. After setting up all of their equipment, the TAPS team started the investigation. As Jason and Grant sat in the room said to be used for surgery, they asked questions to the spirits. Suddenly a soft moaning sound resonated nearby. Then Jason said he heard footsteps above them, which is where Katie’s room just happens to be. Flashlight Turns On Jason and Grant moved on to another part of the property to investigate when a flashlight pinned to Jason’s jacket suddenly turned on. It took them both by surprise and Grant said that was something he had never seen before with that style of flashlight. flashlight-flickers-ghost-hunters-syfy Jason took it off and set the light far away from them and challenged the spirit to turn the light on again. Within seconds, the light turned on by itself again. “That’s awesome,” Grant chimed. Just to be sure it wasn’t merely coincidence, Jason placed the flashlight down again when it started shining once more. flashlight-flickers-jason-and-grant-ghost-hunters-syfy Definitely Haunted At the reveal, Jason and Grant showed the homeowner all of the stuff they had found. First, they played a clip of the moaning sound, which the owner said was a similar to something he had heard before. When they showed him the footage of the flashlight turning on multiple times, the homeowner looked absolutely stunned. His jaw dropped. “Wow, I don’t have words for that,” he said. An audio recording was taken at the same time, and it sounded like somebody giggling as the light was turned on. Maybe the prankster ghost? Their conclusion was that the property was certainly haunted. Civil War Spooks The second investigation went on without Jason because he had a family commitment. So the rest of the TAPS team went to a home in Virginia, which had several reports of ghostly happenings. During the Civil War, the home was taken over the the Union Army and used as a hospital. Some of the creepy experiences included hearing old-stye phones ringing, sounds of people running near the stairs and spotting full-bodied apparations. ghost-hunters-investigate-syfy The team quickly set their equipment up and then turned all the lights off to start the investigation. Tango and Kris looked around a staircase in which the ghosts of a child and woman had been seen. Nothing paranormal happened. The same could be said of Steve and Grant — as they worked on evoking spirits, they were unsuccessful. During the reveal of the evidence, Steve and Grant couldn’t provide the caretaker with any physical proof of a haunting. In fact, they even showed her ways they had debunked some of the ghostly reports. Case closed.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 19:51:06 +0000

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