Ghostcrawler Lead Game Designer 4 Days Ago 1 of 15 Riot - TopicsExpress


Ghostcrawler Lead Game Designer 4 Days Ago 1 of 15 Riot Posts Ill address this at a philosophical level, because someone in the trenches of the live team would be better to mention specific tactics. Champions are coolest, in our opinion, when they have distinct strengths and weaknesses. (This is why we describe champs that are just balls of stats as a bad thing and try to update them.) Moreover, when balancing champs, we achieve the best results when we buff things a champ is good at and nerf things a champ is weak at. This opens up opportunities for cool moments when a champ leverages their strengths, but still leaves clear opportunities for counterplay. The problem with Lee Sin is that while he has some really cool things he does well, he doesnt have obvious weaknesses that we can enhance in order to open up windows to try and shut him down. This means we have to invent a weakness, which is a dicey prospect, because it means having to redefine a champions role. Oh, you only thought Lee was great at mobility and thats why you played him, but we just decided that should be something hes bad at instead. So sorry. (Just an example obviously.) That doesnt absolve us of the responsibility to balance him, but it means it takes more exploration than just nerfing his Q or whatever. Ill even expand on the philosophical discussion and say that improving champion diversity is something we need to deliver. By champion diversity I mean three things: more champions actually played, more distinction among champions, and sometimes actually getting to play the champion you like instead of him or her getting pick/banned all the time. These are long term goals and not something were going to quickly accomplish in a patch or two, but they are long term goals, and I have no problem if you hold me accountable for making sure we drive in that direction. -164 Izbiz Senior Member 4 Days Ago If Lee is in ANOTHER Worlds, Im done with e-sports. +14 DollaMenunaire Senior Member 4 Days Ago cliff notes of red post: Lee Sin will continue to be OP for a long, long time +117 Bluntless Member 4 Days Ago Why does Lee Sin seem to be the only champion Riot wont nerf when he crowds out everyone else? Can you actually Olaf a champion when we need you to?
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 09:37:42 +0000

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