Gidday Fisho’s!!! It’s game on tomorrow!!! Open season for - TopicsExpress


Gidday Fisho’s!!! It’s game on tomorrow!!! Open season for Murray, the COD has finally arrived!! That’s right, it’s December the 1st tomorrow so that’ll explain all the boats on trailers & canoes on roof racks that you ‘ll be seeing today. It’s definitely the most anticipated day of the year for Keen COD Fisho’s and things are looking pretty good. For those fishing the smaller waters the streams are in great nick. The Ovens in particular is a huge contrast to what it’s been for the last couple of openings. If you remember back the Ovens was running a very ugly brown colour for quite a long time after heavy rain and land slips in the upper reaches. This didn’t only affect the river, Lake Mulwala suffered fairly badly too with visibility very ordinary and catches reflecting that situation. It’s a different story this year. Water clarity for all streams is great at time of writing so as long as we don’t have a big cloud burst the fishing’s looking extremely promising. The Murray from Albury to Yarrawonga and beyond might be running a bit hard but will be plenty clear enough for lure Fishos too. There’s always plenty of pressure on the river but there’s also hundreds of great old logs, root systems, drop offs and backwaters that Murray Cod call home and with natural recruitment & the releases that go on these days there’s a Cod or two in or under just about every one of them! The same could be said for the upper Murray. From the backed up waters of Lake Hume for the couple of hundred river kilometres upstream that Cod fisho’s love to hit there will be plenty of activity. There should also be some nice fish caught. The only problem in this area us that it’s not just rain that influences water levels. Let’s hope there is no major fluctuations in river heights that will make it harder for fishos than it is already…………..Although it’s nice to have that excuse up your sleeve if you do no good!! Mulwala is looking more promising than it has for at least a couple of years. As we mentioned clear water has a fair bit to do with that and with the big comp on next weekend I’m sure there will be lots of fishos keenly watching what happens Sunday and beyond. For those of you that haven’t had a crack at Cod fishing yet but think you might give it a shot, here are some very brief basics to help you out. If you’re planning on using hard body lures stick with stuff between 70 – 100m. Spinner baits are also a great choice. Fish those lures in amongst or as close to any structure that you can find. Cod love cover. It’s the same principle with bait. Bardie grubs, yabbies, scrub worms and cheese are all baits that Cod love but again, most success will come fishing them right in amongst the timber ect that Cod calls home. There’s also a new Cod comp being held next weekend. This ones on the Murray around Cobram that has about $20,000.00 in prizes. It’s run by Cobram – Barooga Apex and registrations are at Thompsons beach from 1700 Friday 6th. Facebook details or go to cobramcodfest Dartmouths still probably your best option if you’re chasing a Trout or two in a lake situation. The fish aren’t monstrous but ther has been a few of them. I’ve still got no definite news on the Dart pondage ( Lake Binamboola ) access situation but I will keep you posted. Blowerings been producing some nice Yella’s and a few Cod as a bycatch of late so would also be worth a shot for Cod opening. Unfortunately the Reddies are still very quiet though. As mentioned over the past week or two Burrinjuck would be well worth a visit & if I had a day or two off I reckon that’s where I’d be tempted to head. If you’re not in to the Cod scene the boat ramps on Lake Hume should be a little quieter over the next week or two and the Reddies are still moving. I saw a couple of nice bags during the week with both averaging fish around 700gram. One lot (15) were picked up on yabbies & the other (22) were caught trolling and then casting Vibes about. There’s still fisho’s missing out but if you can hit that patch of fish, Look out!! Also had a great picture & video of a 75cm Trout posted on our Compleat Angler Lavington Facebook page on Thursday. Dan Poynter took out his new boat with Reg and Reg trolled up the monster. Reg has taken Dan ( one of the famous pointer sister’s ) under his wing a bit over the last couple of months and it seems to be paying off with Dan lip gripping, photographing & helping release the fish without making any of his normal mistakes. Well done Dan, You will make a great fisho one day! Russ’s Rippa- Cod Combo’s starting from $49.95
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 23:33:02 +0000

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