Gift of life ... On Friday I was teaching mma fighter fit at corp - TopicsExpress


Gift of life ... On Friday I was teaching mma fighter fit at corp location. It was just another team training session or so I thought. We had about 13 people in the house. Some new faces but most have been training with me for about 6 weeks , 2 to 3 times a week. My corp team is mostly white color high level corp. They mean age is about 42. Some people work on regular basis, some just got into this . As well some also have some health concerns an primary risk factors for heart attack. What does this mean , high BP, High Cholestrol , and overweight. I make it my job to watch everyone before , during and after the session in case there are any potential problems. On Friday there was. A man about 39 , who had been attending my sessions regularly, had gone outside to get some air. When he came back he did not look himself. I found him in the back of the gym alone. When I ask what was up. He informed me he was having severe chest pain and jaw pain. Now he does need to lose some weight but he is only 39. Once I heard this my wife training, she is my BLS instructor , kicked in. My gut told me he was having a heart attack. My emergency plan went into action. 1. we are in the back of the gym with no phone and no help . it was 730am and everyone was either in the showers or at their desks. GET HIM OUT AND TO THE RECEPTION AREA. I stayed calm and told him we were taking a walk to get air outside. I lied . I did not need him to get more upset and raise his BP . 2. GET TO A PHONE NOW. As I made my way out to reception I sat him down. I saw one of his other team training mates and assigned that person to watch him while I walk 20 ft to reception. 3. CALL 911! I informed the receptionist to call 911. She was stunned and shocked. At this point you cant be nice , time is heart muscle. This time I called her by her name and said they need to be called NOW . 4. RELAY INFO TO PROS- while on the phone I needed to relay some of his risk factors so they knew what they were dealing with. 5. GET THE AED- although they were on the way I ran back grab the AED while I assigned someone to watch him for 30 seconds. 6. GET OUT OF THE WAY AND LET THE PROS HANDLE IT. The fire dept was there in about 4 minutes and EMS in about 8. My job was over . This person was having a heart attack and ended up having a artery 95% blocked. He was at the hospital by 8 am and had an angioplasty by 9 ! Legit! Hes doing much better and will return to work soon. What is the point of all this Simple keep your CPR and BLS up you may never know when you will have to go into action. I am actually embarrassed to say I let mine lapse for some time. I recert with my wife whose a nurse as well. I will never let that happen again. If I was not trained and things did not happen as they did my trainee could have died then or later. I went to see him in the hospital that day. He thank me up and down and said If it was not for your quick thinking I could be dead or would eventually died because of this. he added the Docs and Nurses have been telling me this all day. So if you are a trainer or work with people I have 3 suggestions 1. Keep your CPR up 2. Monitor everyone all the tim 3. if someone has a health problem they need to speak up. You might look like a fool if call 911 etc but its better than someone dying and it could have been prevented. Best Coach K
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 21:59:37 +0000

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