Gifts of life Christianity-Now it might seem a little bias of - TopicsExpress


Gifts of life Christianity-Now it might seem a little bias of me to put this here, being a christian and all, but it is true. Christianity offers not only a discipline that was absent from people back then, but also it creates a better person. Rather than preach war and hatred, Christianity preaches forgiveness and love. I was going to put religion, but for starters, I only believe in one belief and also Satanism is a religion...I wouldnt consider that a gift. Books-Now than, how many educated people have never read a book before? Christians study the bible to better understand God, Schools give us books so we can better understand what we are taught and even the books we read for our leisure educate us in someone. Books are not only an intellectual thing, but also a Cultural thing as well. And do take into consideration how valuable books were when not every nation had a library and the printing press was not yet invented. Language-Believe me...its hard to express friendship, opinions and love when people are trying to understand your grunts and barks. Hair care-The slaves of America were denied any way of taking care of their hair. As a result, their heads were often horrible tangles of locks, invested with lice and even peeling scalps were a result. Remember this next time you complain about going to get your hair taken care of. Music-Name any nation that has never used music before. It is a magically thing to use lifeless objects to create beautiful sound or to use your voice to make melodious sound. Indoor plumbing-Speaks for itself Peanuts-put them on ice-cream, mash them into a paste or eat them as they are...peanuts are the well rounded food that serves many purposes. Mints-Freshens your breath and tastes good to boot. parents-Feeds you free food, love you unconditionally, and gave birth to you. Good deal so far if you ask me ;) But do give respect to parents, after all they go through. Though to all parents, remember that children are human beings, not slaves, so dont treat them hard. Friends- If given the choice to be filthy stinking rich and friendless or poor with nothing but friends...I would pick to be rich with friends...but if I had to pick the two options, I would pick friends over money. Money leaves the hand quickly, not friends. Love-Animals live their lives mating with any of their kind with a heart beat and so do foolish people. Love bonds two people together, as if they were one person. Its an intimate thing that shouldnt be taken lightly or twisted into something decadent. Family-Friends from birth and to death. Writing-If you know memory is not it helps to write things down. Laws-I prefer the government outlawing slavery over my neighbor robbing me for being a teenager. Do note that some laws arent good, some are though so to learn to tell the two apart. Water-Gets rid of Fat, hydrates you, and gives you energy. What else could you ask for. Sandwiches-In a world where all meals were the same, one guy decided Lets get to slices of bread and stick what ever we want in the middle and eat that Thus the sandwich was born. *Not to be confused with Sand Witch, the witches of Africa* Milk-Strengthens your bones and you can use it to make several different breakfast meals like cereal and oatmeal can also make cake. Eggs-If Atoms are the building blocks of humans, than eggs are the building blocks for several different meals.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:26:56 +0000

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