Girl: Mum s sick She say she cant get up My little brother is - TopicsExpress


Girl: Mum s sick She say she cant get up My little brother is getting hungry I must go to the village to ask for some food Would you help me? Boy: Sure Conny, Ill help you Girl: I always feel good when youre with me Boy: Youre my friend Conny Girl: Are you always going to be there when I grow up...? Are you? Boy: Cross my heart. Dont you forget about me Dont you forget about me We were soft and young In a world of innocence Dont you forget about me Dont you forget all our dreams Now youve gone away Only emptiness remains Girl: I always feel good when youre with me Boy: Youre my friend Conny Girl: Are you always going to be there when I grow up...? Are you? Dont you forget about me Dont you forget about me We were soft and young In a world of innocence Dont you forget about me Dont you forget all our dreams Now youve gone away Only emptiness remains Dont you forget about me Dont you forget about me *humming* Dont you forget about me Dont you forget about me We where soft and young In a world of innocence Dont you forget about me Dont you forget all our dreams Now youve gone away Only emptiness remains Dont you forget about me Dont you forget about me We were soft and young In a world of innocence Dont you forget about me Dont you forget all our dreams Now youve gone away Only emptiness remains
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 07:34:29 +0000

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