Girl: We broke up. Boy: I m sorry. Girl: I feel so hurt right - TopicsExpress


Girl: We broke up. Boy: I m sorry. Girl: I feel so hurt right now. Boy: you ll get over him soon. Girl: ugh I am so done with guys. Boy: are you sure? Girl: yeah I m sure,guys suck. Boy: are you sure you wont go back to him. Girl: yeah I am positive,I m done with him for good. Boy: alright,thats good.You deserve better. Girl: I know,dont worry I m not gonna go back to him. Boy: If you do,I dont know what to say. Girl: I wont. Boy: Okay good.I ll ttyl.feel better okay? Girl: Okay,thank you for listening. ONE WEEK LATER Boy: hey,how are you? Girl: I feel much better,thanks for asking. Boy: Good! Thats what I like to hear,did he try taking you back? Girl: Yeah about that,he wanted to talk to me & I cant ignore him so I responded & he told me to come over & I did & yeah...Things happened. Boy: Oh so you now you guys are back together. Girl: Yeah. He said he ll try change for me. Boy: I see Girl: are you mad. Boy: No I m dissapointed,you gave in. Girl: well I cant just move on just like that.We have been together for a while if you cant be a good friend & support the decisions I make then dont talk to me. Boy: You made a terrible mistake for taking him back.His gonna hurt you & when he does,dont come to me because why ask for advise when you wont follow it? Do whatever you want.Good luck! Girl: Whatever K,Then. About 90% of females are like this.True when they say love is blind. It isnt easy for a girl to leave the guy she been through so much with,even if shes unhappy.Even if he makes her cry,she cant forget how he used to make her smile.Even if he pisses her off,she cant forget the joy he gave her.Even if he ignores her,she cant forget the amount of attention he gave her.Even if he is too busy to spend time with her,she cant forget the time they shared together.Even if his not talking to her,she cant forget how relieving it would be just talking to him. Every girl on my Facebook list can relate to this...
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 20:22:25 +0000

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