Give the government a chance to deliver, says the President Embu - TopicsExpress


Give the government a chance to deliver, says the President Embu July 7, 2013 PPS President Uhuru Kenyatta has today appealed to Kenyans to give his three month old government a chance to deliver on its promises. Speaking during the 23rd Embu Diocesan anniversary and National jubilee thanks giving service at St Paul’s Cathedral in Embu town, the President said the government was settling down to serve Kenyans. Asking Kenyans to be patient, the Head of State pointed out that the Jubilee government was ready and willing to deliver services commensurate with the trust bestowed on it through the ballot. The President said time has come for Kenyans to forget the past and forgive one another in order to have a new beginning of love and unity in the country. Thanking Kenyans for their overwhelming support, the Head of State reaffirmed his commitment to working with all leaders without bias on political affiliations in order to unite the country for tangible development to be realized. In this regard, the President asked elected leaders at both the National and County levels of government to shun unnecessary squabbles and work as a team to deliver on the development pledges made to Kenyans. “Service delivery is a collective responsibility of all Kenyans. No single person can solve all the challenges facing Kenyans without the input of other leaders” President Kenyatta said He commended the ACK church for its elaborate programme in the hand-over of leadership to the youthful generation saying the youth should take up the roles with responsibility. President Kenyatta said he has always advocated for the youth to get chances to lead and gain experience when the current leaders are available to guide and mentor them. The Head of State, who stopped in Embu town to acknowledge cheers from hundreds of jubilant wananchi, called on the youth to shun drug abuse and consumption of illicit brews and instead direct their energies toward legal activities that would guarantee them decent lives. He said the government has lined up various programmes targeting the youth and urged them to put into productive use the Kshs. 6 billion allocated to them under the youth development fund. The President thanked God for ensuring that the country remained peaceful and united for the last 50 years. The President urged all Kenyans to effectively play their individual and collective roles in peace building initiatives saying everyone has a role to play in ensuring harmonious co-existence in the country. During the thanks giving service, President Kenyatta donated Kshs. 1 m. to the church. Speaking during the occasion, Manyatta MP Mr. John Muchiri echoed President Kenyatta’s call to Kenyans from all walks of life to unite in the country’s development. Others who spoke include National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi and Embu Governor Nyaga Wambora. In attendance were current and former members of parliament, government officials led by Interior and National Coordination Principal Secretary Mutea Iringo and hundreds of faithful’s. The thanks giving service was conducted by the Embu Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Henry Kathii. Ends…
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 17:16:21 +0000

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