Give to Ceasar what is Ceasars and to God what is Gods (Matt - TopicsExpress


Give to Ceasar what is Ceasars and to God what is Gods (Matt 22:21). This injuction was given concerning paying of taxes not an order to withdraw from the affairs of state body polity. This instruction is an order for Christians to contribute their quotas for the smooth running of state affairs to the glory of God and for the common good of the society we live in. Unfortunately, Christians have misunderstood this great teaching for the support and loyalty to the development of the state and for justice to mean that Christians should leave all worldly affairs in the hands of the people of the world. For this misconstrued reason, Nigerian Christians have abandoned politics in the hands of non-christian players. We feel that politics is too dirty a game and should be avoided by HOLY people (what a fallacy). Analysing that answer of Jesus in our mordern world where decisions and policies are made by elected and selected political officers, I feel we should be part of the decision making body. This is a duty we owe God and ourselves. Failure to do so would mean failure in our duties to the society. When we allow decisions to be made by the wrong people, then we owe God an explanation for abandoning our duties for the common good and smooth running of the society. How are decisions made, and how do people get the and mandate to make corporate decision in our society today? The answer is through a process of political elections and appointments. For one to be elected into a political office or have the right to decide who emerges from the grassroot for the general election, one has to be registered with the political party. Dear Christian brothers and sisters, how many of us are registered and armed with political party cards that empowers them to decide who gets elected at the congress? It is not about voters card. They are useless when it comes to congress where party flag-bearers emerge. With those cards, you wait for the decisions of the so-called dirty player for us to choose from. What if all the candidates they give us at the general election are rotten, what do we do? Choose the lesser evil? Think well dear friends. It is time to go and be registered as a political party member. You might not be able to procure a form for any elective post but you can join in deciding for the right candidate to emerge at the party level. The future of Nigeria lies in our hands. If we continue to sit on the fence then we should know that we shall be held reponsible for the failure of this country due to our inactivity. Happy Sunday
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 12:20:16 +0000

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