Given all of the unexpected love and warmth my family and I have - TopicsExpress


Given all of the unexpected love and warmth my family and I have received since word of my recent stroke got out, I feel the need to at least give you an update on my condition. First, and once again, I cant thank you enough for all of the kind and sincere words of comfort and encouragement - even from some folks I fight with all of the time. It has reinforced my fundamental belief in our basic, collective humanity, no matter what the barriers. In the midst of all that is happening around us, THAT is a good thing...a very good thing indeed. I have been home since Tuesday evening after spending five days in the hospital. I had sustained a stroke that substantially impacted my left leg, and slightly affected my left arm. Thus, I am in rehab for both, and already am making good progress, though I cant predict when I will regain solid use of at least my leg. But Im working HARD on that, and make NO mistake (GOD willing), that I WILL regain full use of my leg! My family, of course, has been tremendously supportive, and my bosses have been beyond belief in their caring. They have given me as much time as i need to recover with no rush, and i thank them for that. Thus, Im looking at at least two weeks minimum before I return to print and the radio. Thats self-imposed. GOD said rest, so i obey. But it is also important that my mind not waste away during this period, so while I wont be writing a lot, I will be reading and absorbing...and listening. My intention is to come back NOT as the old Cash...because that one got me in the health trouble Im in to begin with (truth). My goal is to come back as a more health conscious, WISER Cash. And folks, especially black men, when I tell you to take better care of yourselves mentally, physically and emotionally...dont argue with me, because you KNOW Im telling the truth, and you see what happened to me. If you dont change whats wrong, GOD will change it for you...and you may or may NOT survive HIS change. Im so, so lucky that HE chose to spare my mind and most of my body, because HE didnt have to. So know that Im telling you the truth, because Im paying for it with this challenging experience. So I will be spending a lot of time in rehab and the doctors office in followup in the next few weeks, but its what I have to do to be BETTER for my children, wife (who has been tremendous) and family. And by the way, Im also scheduled for a heart catheterization in early December, so my dance with doctors is far from over. But again, the love and support Ive gotten from all of my FB family has made me feel safe and secure in the path forward. This experience has taught me how tough I am, how BLESSED I am to have my GOD, family and friends, and the need for me to be even better than ever. I will NOT let GOD, my family, or you down. Thank you seems not enough, but know that those two simple words couldnt even begin to express my boundless gratitude and appreciation for ALL of you. I wish you and your families a great weekend. I wont be posting for a while, but I will be reading, liking...and smiling! Peace!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 16:15:10 +0000

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