Given everything going on down at the border, the influx of school - TopicsExpress


Given everything going on down at the border, the influx of school aged kids and the many germies theyre bringing across with them, I ask that we start taking a little more seriously natural immunity building ideas and practices. many of us are non-vaxers and I admit, Ive been reconsidering my own position on this ALOT lately and keep coming to the same conclusion, trust God and His ways. We know from Genesis that His ways involve food and diet. We also know that vaxes contain any number of things we arent biblically permited to put into our bodies. So for me, the answer stays NO. Ive been feeling a false sense security having pulled Gracie out of school for the upcoming year, opting to homeschool. Then it occured to me that her dad could very easily introduce something gross into our home environment, picking up something from a co-worker who might have caught something from his school-aged child. So, we are going to have a serious discussion regarding getting even more strict with his already existing dietary and supllemental regimen. Its pretty simple, just takes some getting used to and a commitment to being consistent. Getting the kids on board is a little challenging but thoroughly explaining the alternatives-disease, hospitalizations, etc., makes diet change easier for them to swallow, pun TOTALLY intended! ;) These are just some things that have been on my mind lately, kind of heavily the last day or so in particular. Anyone needing ideas, hints, tips on getting started, let me know and for what I dont know, I will try and find out. Thankfully, there are alot of knowledgeable folks around so there is no reason for any of us to be in the dark on this. Love you guys! Thanks for reading my babble. God bless and stay safe!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 21:46:12 +0000

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