Given half a chance - Elsies story Craiova the 6th largest - TopicsExpress


Given half a chance - Elsies story Craiova the 6th largest city in Romania and for dogs like Elsie the land of death!! The way animals are treated is barbaric, dogs stoned, puppies thrown out on the streets like garbage, tortured, purposely run down by cars and left dead or in immense pain with horrific injuries, beaten to death or poisoned. Its hard to imagine how any dog could survive this hell looking over their shoulders day after day, scavenging for food, hiding from the perils of what might be their final day. Hated by many and their only crime, being born in a city full of corruption and governed by evil with a strong hate for the street dogs. We will never know Elsies full life story and how so many years ago she ended up another statistic in a Craiova street dogs life, we will never know if once did she have a home or was she one of many born on the streets. What we do know from the wonderful angels who saved her is that for many years Elsie lived in the local park. We dont know how long she struggled to survive the long, cold winters scavenging for scraps of food, struggling to keep warm in temperatures way below freezing, sleeping with one eye open, looking over her shoulder, waiting for the next bad thing to happen, wondering, curiously where her friend suddenly disappeared to, but what we do know is that when her angel found her she would never go a day without food in her belly ever again. For a long time Elsies life became a little easier, she still had to look over her shoulder and she still often wondered whether this day would be her last but the worry of whether she would eat that day had gone. Sadly when the Romanian government changed the law last year Elsies life like many others became more dangerous than ever before. Alina called on Safe Rescue for help, we agreed to take her but there was the added problem of rescue space in Romania, there was nowhere safe for Elsie to go, she had to wait on the streets until a space became available. Elsie is old, slow and an easy target for the dog catchers. Unfortunately in february this year while she was sitting in the park she was caught and taken to the notorious public shelter. Alina had to act quickly to get her out. She not only had two weeks before her life would come to an horrific end, I say horrific because the dogs arent humanly put to sleep, they are either electrocuted or bludgeoned to death!! Sadly hundreds of dogs are brutally killed like this every week. Life in the public shelter is not a great place to be for any dog and is survival of the fittest but for an old lady it is doubtful that she would survive the two weeks anyway. A plea went out on Facebook for foster space and luckily a place was found. Elsie was saved and that is where she stayed until she was able to travel to the UK to find her special, loving, retirement home. Again I have had the privilege of fostering a very special dog and to begin with my heart broke at the thought of why she couldnt be saved sooner. She has taken longer to adjust to her new life than other dogs I have fostered but she is slowly realising that she doesnt have to look over her shoulder anymore and the other dogs she lives with do not want to hurt her. Everything has been taken slowly and she is now beginning to enjoy a little walk out, the main thing is she is relaxed and happy and she never has to worry ever again. All she needs now is her perfect retirement home, somewhere where she can relax without any worries for as long as she has left, with someone patient and understanding enough to give her love and time to feel relaxed in her new surroundings. Please share her album https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.660147100721285.1073742248.414494058619925&type=3
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 18:00:29 +0000

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