“Given hand to thousands children, women, old people…”Goran - TopicsExpress


“Given hand to thousands children, women, old people…”Goran Velichovski Journalist It all started 20 years ago in a turbulent and war time. At that moment, still unformed First Children’s Embassy in the world “Medjashi” Republic of Macedonia faced the beginning of Bosnian war. First Children’s Embassy in the world “Medjashi” Bosnia sent an appeal to all their members for help in saving children from the war spots. The same day, Gordana Zmijanac - Coordinator at the First Children’s Embassy in the world “Medjashi” in Macedonia, Skopje - sent an appeal for fostering children from Bosnia and Herzegovina. There were many responses from families and institutions like children camps, homes, hotels, Red Cross, Ministry of Labor and Social policy as well as many NGO’s. At the same time thousands of children, women, old people were fostered. During the next two years, Children’s Embassy “Medjashi” has provided food , education, medical services, lessons for learning English language…to her Bosnian “marthirs”. This is the way Macedonia and the NGO sector has shown the world high civil conscience and humanity. After a while, precisely in 1993-1994, the fugitives from Bosnia went to the USA and to the West European countries. In this moving there were 4000 people, from which there were 2500 children. Demir has found his mother The memories from this period are in endless line. That was a time of tears, hugs, despair, time of lost children… Literally – lost children. Let’s remind of such child through the text of Saraevo journalist Jovo Dimitrievikj. “October 92. Rainy time. First Children’s Embassy “Medjashi” Republic of Macedonia is suited in the room 315 from the former CK – Macedonia. The usual atmosphere. Telephones are ringing. There are around ten people in that small place-Dragi and Gordana Zmijanac, Kole Angelovski, Miralem Zupchevikj – the actor, around ten volonteers. People with a lot of patience. Everybody must be heard. Many of them will get help, especially children. There was a boy at the door with a clear view, but sad and frightened. He asks: “Is this the Embassy for us, children”. Gordana (Zmijanac) confirms, and the boy starts the story. I’m looking for my mother. I’m from Gorazhde. My father stayed at Bosnia, and my mother, my brother and I came here. Two months ago I have lost my mother in a train in Kumanovo. I have heard that she is somewhere in Skopje and maybe not…My name is Demir and please help me…They offered me a juice. He doesn’t want it. He doesn’t want a sandwich either. He wants his mother. Her name is Saima. The people from the Embassy start to phone. Gordana takes the one and Miralem takes the other phone. They are calling the refugee centars. They are looking for the camp on Vodno. They told them that there is some Saima…Please find her and we will wait, says Gordana. We are waiting. Everybody is looking, but Saima is gone. We are sayng is she gone somewhere else. This was our last chance. Demir starts to cry. When we wanted to end the line, somebody from the other side of the phone says –wait, there she is. Demir picks up the phone and after 10 minutes we have heard: mother, mother…. After an hour they hugged themselves at the Children’s Embassy… The Mission continued during Kosvo and Macedonia conflict. The First Children’s Embassy “Medjashi” Republic of Macedonia was active during Kosovo conflict (1999-2000). In partnership with Caritas –Esen, in the camps Radusha, Stenkovec1 and2, Neproshteno, Radusha, Bojane and Chegrane, the Embassy volonteers organized sport, art, and educational activities for the children – refugees. We have to mention that the Embassy “Medjashi” has provided the first destination for 107 refugees that moved to France. After this many refugees (children, women, old and sick people) were transferred from Macedonia to Bulgaria, Spain, the USA, Turkey, precisely to countries with better conditions for life. “Medjashi” was included in giving help during the war in Macedonia. Around hundred volonteers took care of 16 people (from which 8 children) from the crisis regions in Macedonia. Here were born Alexandar, Marija, Nikola…Biljana Jovanovikj is one of the mothers who gave birth during her stay at “ Medjashi”. We are living in Arachinovo, our house is ruined, but all our fears were replaced with our child after 8 years without children. Now we are in “Medjashi” but this angel is giving us strength to survive. Everyday, children from Tetovo, Kumanovo and Arachinovo have got love, education, fun and play. Here are two statements of children that were part of Medjashi. Sanela(12): “I record the first time I came to the First Children’s Embassy “Medjashi”. That was before two years and three months, but it looks as it was yesterday. At the beginning I was sad and I missed my home, but at the evening I asked myself if I ever going to go back home. Here at the First Children’s Embassy “Medjashi” the time is running fast. There are many workshops: literature, drama, art, English language, French language, mathematics and computers. Thanks to the First Children’s Embassy “Medjashi” I really expand my knowledge for many useful things. Although the Embassy is my second home I want to go back home. Who knows, maybe My wish will come true”. Ivana(12): It was very hard to forget the past when my family and I left home, running from the war. That was at the beginning, but now it is different. I may have not enough place for living, but it is better than to live in fear.I have found myself in the First Children’s Embassy “Medjashi”. For all of this I owe them, as well as to people who I meet there and who help me. Here it is always nice, although I have sad memories. People who were accepted at the First Children’s Embassy “Medjashi”, now are back to their homes. Some of them did that last 2006, after five years stay at the Embassy “Medjashi”. They will never forget the given hand at the most needed time. flickr/photos/childrens_embassy/10423076704/#
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:15:45 +0000

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