Given some concerns others had with a pic I posted about the - TopicsExpress


Given some concerns others had with a pic I posted about the tattooing traditions of the Osage, I wanted to say that anything I post on here is not meant to offend, nor am I trying to tell people things should be recreated exactly as before. I realize this is an internet forum and does not replace nor totally substitute for actual conversation with other Osages face to face on such matters, perhaps at the dances in June or during a nice meal at some ones home. It seems perspectives vary on certain things that should or shouldnt be shared. Given the fact that we live in a world that is very fragmented and many of us live away from the hub of the community, this page was intended to simply discuss and contemplate matters using our intelligence and perspective. For too long, the dominant society has told us through various methodologies that our ways were useless, no good and savage. Due to this, there has been a disconnect between what was and what is. There are many within the younger generation, such as myself, that yearn to understand those older ways, not necessarily to attempt to recreate, because whats done is done. But there were certain value systems within those ways that can be carried on today, such as respect, generosity, warrior roles, gender roles, clan responsibilities, stories, how we treat our zhi^ka.zhi or children, the way we pray and interact with each other. Our ways had power, meaning and offered solutions to many problems we faced. That is why systems were put into place to erase that from our communities, because the settlers knew our strength was within those bonds. So if I post something like a pic, or words of expression or something else on here, just know it is not meant to imply something negative or trying to offend people. Today there is a growing consciousness among many who do want to learn about those things, because self-awareness is a strong aspect for one to carry in a world that denies our existence. But as the page description suggests, it is meant for others to come together, albeit through this kind of medium. I figure we can post pics about cats that look like Hitler or other things such as what Miley Cyrus is doing. But being that FB can be a tool to raise consciousness if used in such a way, then that is what I feel my time should be spent on doing while on here, because you never know when it can be taken away. So if others feel as I feel on these matters and simply want to engage in discussion on these matters, then this is why it is here. Everyone who states their opinion only helps everyone to achieve a greater, overall understanding as to who we are and what it means to be Wazhazhe in todays society.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 04:00:03 +0000

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