Given that it’s officially the end of summer break for schools - TopicsExpress


Given that it’s officially the end of summer break for schools that are on the traditional calendar (aka..Wapahani), I find it only appropriate that I celebrate the end of summer break with a little motivational speech to raise everyone’s spirits. So, without further adieu, I commence. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children ages 5-18 (with a few that really enjoy high school and are now pushing their 20’s), What a BEAUTIFUL day!!! Nice cool breeze, warm sun…it’s a great day to be outside. Doesn’t it always happen that way? Right as the weather starts to get really nice, you know what you have to do? Go back to SCHOOL! Ohhh yesss!!! That’s right, kiddies. These beautiful days where you long to be on the couch or chilling outside playing with apps on your smartphone are officially GONE. WOOO!!! Instead of sleeping in until noon, you’ll now be getting up REALLY EARLY with less and less daylight and progressively cooler temperatures leading us to the most climactically miserable months of the year. (You know…February through April…when half of your friends are suffering from “Seasonal Affective Disorder” and they show up to school looking and acting like trolls?) Take a second to Imagine how nice that alarm clock (or for some of you…your parents’ soothing voice)is going to sound tomorrow morning BEFORE THE BIRDS EVEN GET UP!! When was the last time you saw 6:00am? Ohhhh boooyyy, it’s gonna feel GOOD…that groggy, sleep-deprived headache. Even better than that is the picture I now paint for you. Imagine yourself bored in one of your classes on a nice, warm day…YOU can’t be outside. Instead, you’ll be cooped up in doors waiting to see how much homework you’re gonna get- which further prevents you from the opportunity to celebrate your freedom to do nothing all day. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and harken back to those magical weeks at church camp when you found your other half that only lives 4 hours 32 minutes and 17 seconds away from you. Keep that long distance relationship going!! You can skype every night after soccer practice, dinner and homework! You only have 4 years of high school and another 4-5 in college before you two can begin your married lives together…well, unless he or she finds another soulmate in the next week or two. But what are the odds of that happening? I mean, really…it’s not like they are around people their own age every day at school! The bond you two developed in 3 days extends much deeper than the relationships they’ve made in the last 14 years (or will make in the next 3 days.) There’s NO need to get discouraged! Think of all of the WONDERFUL opportunities ahead of you! Leadership positions to fight over, roles in plays to cry about, teams to get cut from, ISTEP’s, ACT’s, SAT’s, ECA’s, Final Exams, Dual Credit Exams, break-ups, fights, homework, drama, school lunches, public restrooms, and sharing confined spaces with people that should’ve stayed home when they had the flu. Of course, you may be quick to suggest that I have to enter this environment, as well…and you’re right. I do. But lest we not forget that I am part of an evil network of superior life forms known to you as a TEACHER, and members of my club are responsible to help shape your future, destroy your social life, and give homework and detention…and the best part is…WE GET PAID TO DO IT!!! OHH YESS!!! What a tangled web we weave. Is life fair? Absolutely not, and that’s why I love it. Mwa ha ha ha! Sleep well kiddies. Don’t lay in bed tonight staring at the clock as the minutes SLOWLY creep by until that alarm greets you with the kindest regards. Have a great year and WELCOME back to SCHOOL!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 23:04:49 +0000

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