Given that there is such profound disagreement about what God - TopicsExpress


Given that there is such profound disagreement about what God actually tells us, I mean, even within Christianity, even within Protestantism, it strikes me as an extraordinarily bad idea to assert that laws come from God. You know, maybe they do, but theres just absolutely no way to establish that here on earth, one way or the other, for sure. So we really need to keep the slippery, vague, and subjective notions about what God tells us out of government. Its an invitation for total national disaster. Actually, this is a very old idea, that there ought to be a wall of separation between church and state, an idea our founding fathers saw fit to enshrine in the US Constitution. But some people are just too freaking stupid to understand what being an American is all about. talkingpointsmemo/livewire/mike-huckabee-secular-theocracy
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:21:59 +0000

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