Given the opportunity Solomon had, some of us may ask for, a mega - TopicsExpress


Given the opportunity Solomon had, some of us may ask for, a mega million win, have men propose to us, or women agree to marry us, get a child, or male child to add to the number of girls, promotion at job, get visa, business success, buy a car, pass board exam, healing of the sick, etc. All these are not bad but the question is, what is really the most needed in our lives.? What is the most important thing that guarantee a good life.? Solomon epitomized one who asked for the best of virtues and gifts. He was a righteous person and humbly asked for the most needed in life. Wisdom from God (hokmah) The merchant and the other guy taught us the lesson of going for the most valuable treasure, the kingdom of God. In our world of today, we despise the treasure of the kingdom of God for the perishable treasures. People can go to any length to get these perishable treasures. Some kill, cheat, deceive, lie, usurp, intimidate, dehumanize, degrade, oppress, violate, and so on in the bid to enrich themselves. None of these things go with us when we die. At the end of the day, we live in fears and insecurity and often times unhappy. Do not store up treasures for yourselves on earth, where moth and rust destroy..Mtt:6:19. Seek you first, the kingdom of a God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to youMtt6:33 Seek you The Lord while He may be found.Is55:6. God help us with the grace to ask for your wisdom and every other thing that will help us live better live, enrich others and merit your Kingdom, we pray thee oh lord. Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, Pray for us.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 00:04:26 +0000

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