Given the recent attention regarding the incident involving Hope - TopicsExpress


Given the recent attention regarding the incident involving Hope Solo, we thought it would be helpful to share a reminder of our position (which was first articulated in a post to this page on June 26). In short, we believe now what we believed then: given the available information, the right thing to do is to await the outcome of the legal process before making a decision about the appropriate action for our organization to take. Our post from June 26 is shared in its entirety below: Like many of you, last Saturday we awoke to the news that a member of our team, Hope Solo, had been arrested. Since that time we have been gathering information about the situation and have engaged in many discussions in an effort to determine the best path forward. This investigation, which has included multiple conversations with Hope, made clear that there are differing perspectives on the events that led up to Hope’s arrest. As such, we feel it is fair and prudent to await the outcome of the legal process before making a final judgment about the incident. That being said, it should be understood that we hold all of our players, coaches, and employees to the highest ethical and moral standard. In the event any Seattle Reign FC player is convicted of a serious crime the consequences will be significant and swift. We believe that our ability to inspire and to lead is derived from valuing something beyond winning. For us, winning only matters if it is done with passion, with grace, with integrity and with honor. We believe that our success is derived from a collective commitment to this higher ideal. And we believe that every member of our club, regardless of stature or station, must always strive to meet this standard. Thus far, our experience with Hope has been that she shares this commitment to excellence. Since joining our club Hope has consistently been a great teammate, a relentless trainer and an outstanding performer on the pitch. We have been proud to have her as a member of this club. It is our sincerest wish that the outcome of the legal process clears Hope of any wrongdoing. Should that not be the case, we will take the necessary and appropriate action at that time, in a manner consistent with the values and beliefs of our organization. Thank you for your support of Seattle Reign FC.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 02:56:14 +0000

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