Given the very sorry state of critical thinking among Americans - TopicsExpress


Given the very sorry state of critical thinking among Americans and the vast machine of disinformation that is very effective I hereby predict the following. The left will take the Hobby Lobby ruling and falsely convince millions that the SCOTUS has essentially banned ALL birth control from being even available via ANY corporations health insurance plan for employees. Yes it is a total lie but in KMTs America truth stopped mattering a long time ago. The left will fund raise off this and turn out their base for the republican war on women and keep the senate in democrat control. Dont tell me it cant happen...the America you loved is dead and gone and deceit and lies and propaganda now win the day. Moot point in the bigger picture because I fail to see what a McCommie lead senate would achieve and how it would stop KMT or even want to. You read it here first....and dont ever tell me that social issues dont matter. It is the ONLY thing that energizes voters to come out to the polls and the democrats knows this well which is why they win elections...
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 22:16:56 +0000

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